This repository allows you to create an installation environment on a clean dedicated server with a public IPv4 address, obtain an SSL certificate, and automatically renew it.
Services for CS-Cart in Docker containers include Nginx, PHP-FPM with Cron, MySQL, Fail2ban, Redis, Certbot, FTP, and mail.
Tested on Ubuntu 22.04 (LTS) x64
Required docker, docker compose plugin, curl, git, unzip DNS A record point to server IP.
Check Official documentation for docker install. Please use strong passwords in web and FTP services!
apt install curl git unzip
git clone
cd docker
chmod +x ./
cp .env.example .env
Change values on .env file
CSCART_ADDRESS - your domain name (DNS A record point to server IP)
CSCART_MYSQL_RPASS - Mysql password for root user
CSCART_MYSQL_PASS - Mysql password for new user
CERTBOT_EMAIL - your email address for letsencrypt account registration
CERTBOT_STAGING_MODE (0/1) - set to 0 for valid letsencrypt SSL certificate use, 1 to staging letsencrypt SSL certificate
- View "Custom data" section in .env file for view/edit default logins, paths and etc.
Run install script
Download the CS-Cart installation package from our website and replace to data/www/
cd data/www/
Unzip the CS-Cart installation package:
unzip *.zip
Change the owner and set file permissions for CS-Cart installation by executing these commands one by one:
chown -R $USER ./
chmod 644 config.local.php
chmod -R 755 design images var
find design -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 644
find images -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 644
find var -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 644
Open your domain name in browser to install CS-Cart. Use "mysql" in MySQL Server Host and credentials from .env (CSCART_MYSQL_DB, CSCART_MYSQL_USER, CSCART_MYSQL_PASS).
This command delete all containers and data. In project directory run
docker compose down && rm -rf config data logs
In root project dir you can use this commands:
docker compose stop - stop all containers
docker compose start - start all containers
docker compose down - stop and delete all containers
docker star/stop/restart service-name - star/stop/restart service with service-name (e.g. docker restart nginx)
CSCART_NGINX_CONF - path to custom configs
CSCART_HOME - web root
CSCART_NGINX_LOGS - path to log dir
The image contains default parameters; you need to customize the MySQL configuration for your server.
CSCART_MYSQL_CONF - path to custom config
CSCART_MYSQL_DATA - data dir path
CSCART_MYSQL_LOGS - path to log dir
Connect to Mysql database:
docker exec -ti mysql bash
CSCART_FAIL2BAN_DATA - path to custom jail configs.
CSCART_PHP_CONF - path to custom configs.
Create a cron job file in CSCART_CRON_DIR. For example full backup script start every day at 6.30 AM:
30 6 * * * root /usr/local/bin/php /var/www/html/admin.php --dispatch=datakeeper.backup --p --backup_database=Y --backup_files=Y --dbdump_tables=all --dbdump_data=Y --extra_folders[]=var/files --extra_folders[]=var/attachments --extra_folders[]=var/langs
The image does not contain any DMARC, DKIM, or other security configurations.
Most likely, the mail will end up in the spam folder.
Use your custom SMTP server in the CS-Cart preferences.