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angonaka: a pelican theme

This is the Pelican theme that I use for static web sites including my course and my blog I derived it from an excellent theme called Astrochelys. (Astrochelys is a genus of Madagascar tortoises. The Angonaka tortoise is an Astrochelys species.)

Among the features I wanted were:

  • support for an all-static-Markdown-pages site, not only a blog
  • MathJax, because I use a lot of math notation in Markdown
  • automated table of contents for Markdown pages
  • figures with captions
  • marginal notes, a la Tufte
  • elegant code syntax highlighting
  • pages print well and easily, without sidebar

installing dependencies

The theme depends on webassets and cssmin optional Python modules, and uses the Pelican render_math, assets, and pelican-toc plugins.

cd ~/alien-src
git clone --recursive
pip install webassets
pip install cssmin

(Looks like they've reorganized pelican-plugins, and now render-math is at Consider switching?)

initial setup of a new site

mkdir mysite; cd mysite
pelican-quickstart            # when it asks for time zone: America/New_York
git clone 

This creates content/ and output/ directories and the config file, and clones the angonaka theme.

Add to

THEME        = "./angonaka"
PLUGIN_PATHS = [ '/Users/seddy/alien-src/pelican-plugins' ]
PLUGINS      = [ 'assets', 'pelican-toc', 'render_math' ]    

TOC = { 'TOC_INCLUDE_TITLE': 'false' }


The render_math plugin enables MathJax. Now $e=mc^2$ is an inline equation, and $$e=mc^2$$ is a block equation.

mirroring content hierarchy to output hierarchy

Pelican doesn't deal with subdirectory structure well by default. To get it so you can organize Markdown pages in a directory hierarchy, and have it maintain that hierarchy in the HTML output pages, add something like this to

   PAGE_PATHS   = [ 'pages',  'w00', 'w01' ]
   STATIC_PATHS = [ 'images', 'w00', 'w01' ]

   PATH_METADATA= '(?P<path_no_ext>.*)\..*'
   PAGE_SAVE_AS= '{path_no_ext}.html'
   PAGE_URL= '{path_no_ext}.html'

(If you also want articles to stay in their hierarchy, ditto for ARTICLE_SAVE_AS and ARTICLE_URL.)

PAGE_PATHS is a list of directories that .md files will be found in. In MCB112, it'll be a list of all the directories w00-w13.

STATIC_PATHS is a list of the same directories, where other files will be found in, such as images. They'll be copied verbatim into the appropriate output directories.

I don't understand how the PATH_METADATA trick works but it's commonly used in pelican.

main pages

For home page content/pages/, add a save_as directive to the Markdown metadata to get Pelican to install it in the root directory output/ instead of in output/pages/:

Title:    MCB112 Biological Data Analysis
save_as:  index.html

sidebar customization symlinks

The base template in templates/base.html lays out the sidebar. It includes two files that customize the sidebar for a particular site: extra-navbar.html and extra-sidebar.html. These two files are not in the git repository. You need to create them, but they can be empty.

If you want to version your customizations, name your customized files something site specific (like mcb112-navbar.html and mcb112-schedule.html) and make extra-navbar.html and extra-sidebar.html symlink to them. The ideas is to allow the git repo to contain different site customizations, without making the repo site-specific. If you don't need to version your customizations, then just make extra-navbar.html and extra-sidebar.html files.

running test site

pelican content  # compiles stuff in content/ to new site in output/
pelican -rl      # runs test server, with autoreloading, at  http://localhost:8000/ 

marginal notes: citation, aside

There are two types of marginal notes. A citation is numbered, including a superscripted reference in the main text. An aside is unnumbered. The Astrochelys theme calls these sidenote and marginnote.

To insert a citation (with a number counter reference), we have to use a little raw HTML in the Markdown:

<label for="unique-id" class="cite-toggle citation-number"></label>
<input type="checkbox" id="unique-id" class="citation-toggle"/>
<span class="citation">
This is a citation, with a counter.

The tag "unique-id" needs to be unique for each citation. This is used on mobile screens to toggle an inline version of the citation on or off (see below).

To insert an aside:

<span class="aside">
And this is an aside.

using asides as figure captions

These notes are aligned to the baseline of the text where they were inserted. Sometimes you need to adjust this, like when you use a marginnote as a caption for an inlined figure. You can use a margin-top attribute to move the note down:

<span class="aside" style="margin-top:10em">
This is a caption.
<img src="fig1.png">

mobile screens

On mobile screens, we don't have a margin, so both kinds of notes need to be displayed in-line in the main text.

Citations are clickable. Clicking on the cite superscript toggles the citation, and causes it to appear or disappear in-line.

Asides are displayed in-line constitutively.

emacs customizations

In my .emacs, I have Emacs macros for inserting a citation and aside, bound to M-" and M-'. The citation macro generates a random 16-character id tag.

My .emacs also customizes markdown-mode to deemphasize this HTML code, using font-lock to color this code grey.

other CSS customizations


To get fonts from Google Fonts, change line in angonaka/template/base.html:

    <link href=",700|Open+Sans+Condensed|Open+Sans:400,400i,700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">

The 700 gets bold; 400i gets normal italic. Then in angonaka.css:

:root {
  --fixed-font: "Inconsolata";
  --variable-font: "Open Sans";
  --condensed-font: "Open Sans Condensed";


Some Tufteian color choices (

Dark mode:

#282c34  dark grey     # sidebar background
#f0f0ed  subtle grey   # sidebar text
#e8832b  orange        # sidebar links

Light mode:

#ffffff  white         # default background  
#f0f0ed  subtle grey   # alt background for code, blockquote
#000000  black         # most text
#12719e  blue          # anchors, horizontal rules

Not used:

#ca5800  orange
#a4201d  red
#55b748  green
#5c5859  dark gray

block quotes

I simplified to:

  font-size: 1em;
  width: 95%;
  margin: 1em auto;
  font-family: inherit;
  color: var(--darkest-color);
  padding: 0.1em 0em 0.1em 2em;
  border-left: 2px solid var(--highlight-color-2) ;
  position: relative;

code highlighting

pygments wasn't working properly, at least on C code, until I specified C language in my markdown: after the triple quote, add a language keyword.

I made my own pygments.css.

To generate one of the standard pygments CSS files:

cd astrochelys/static/css
mv pygments.css pygments.css.orig
pygmentize -S native -f html -a .highlight > pygments.css 

suppressing printing of sidebar/phone-header in PDF

Worked on making sure I can print PDFs of notes. Had to work on getting rid of the sidebar (including a mobile header), while getting the margin to print.

I added this to the CSS file:

@media print {
     .content {
        padding: 1em 3.5em 0 3.5em;
        margin-left: 0%;
        width: 70%;
    .sidebar      { display: none  }
    .phone-header { display: none  }
    .citation     { display: block }
    .aside        { display: block }

I tweaked some other @media screen CSS too.

disabled Hypothesis

upper right has:

  • toggle or resize sidebar
  • toggle highlight visibility
  • New Page Note
  • is this annotation? comments?

This is something called Hypothesis. I disabled it by removing a couple of lines in the base.html template.

See also

my internal crossreferences

  • [2020/0422-pelican]
  • [2020/0428-astrochelys-theme]
  • [2020/0808-pelican]
  • [2020/1228-angonaka-marginnotes] Renamed sidenote and marginnote to citation, aside. Fixed bug in sidenote/citation numbering in pages. Added .emacs customizations with M-", M-' key bindings to macros for inserting citation, aside; and for using font-lock to color and deemphasize their HTML in markdown-mode.


a Pelican theme







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