pyEHR is a a scalable clinical data access layer intended for building data management systems for secondary use of structured heterogeneous biomedical and clinical data.
API Documentation can be found here
Download pyEHR and unzip it/clone it in a directory [path_to_pyEHR_dir]
Download basex from:
In a shell run:
Install Java 8 and export its path:
export JAVA_HOME={path_to_java8}
Install python dependencies (for example with pip:
sudo pip install --pre pybasex
sudo pip install voluptuous
sudo pip install bottle
sudo pip install httplib2
pyEHR is compatible with multiple back-end engines (right now MongoDB and Elasticsearch are the ones supported) so you can choose which one to install to run with the pyEHR environment.
Install Elasticsearch 1.5 or lower. run:
python module for elasticsearch:
sudo pip install -Iv elasticsearch==1.5.0
export environment variable with driver configuration:
export SERVICE_CONFIG_FILE={path_to_config_file}/config_elasticsearch.conf
Install and run MongoDB. python module for mongodb:
sudo pip install pymongo
export environment variable with driver configuration:
export SERVICE_CONFIG_FILE={path_to_config_file}/config_mongodb.conf
export path to pybasex and pyEHR:
export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:{path_to_pyEHR_dir}:{path_to_pybasex_dir}
install pyEHR:
sudo python {path_to_pyEHR_dir}/ install
pyEHR is now ready to be used
To create a dataset:
python {path_to_pyEHR_dir}/test/misc/test_query_performance/ --structures_config_file {path_to_structures_config_file}/structures_config_file --datasets_config_file {path_to_datasets_config_file}/datasets_config_file --archetypes_dir {path_to_archetypes_dir} --structures_out_file {path_to_structures_out_file}/structures_out_file --datasets_out_file {path_to_datasets_out_file}/datasets_out_file
To load a dataset:
python {path_to_pyEHR_dir}/test/misc/test_query_performance/
--datasets_file {path_to_dataset}/dataset.json --pyEHR_config {path_to_config_file}/config_elasticsearch.conf --parallel_processes 8
To query loading the queries from a set of queries:
python {path_to_pyEHR_dir}/test/misc/test_query_performance/ --queries_file
{path_to_queries_file}/queriesfile.json --query_processes 16 --log_file {path_to_log_file}/logfile.log
--pyEHR_config {path_to_config_file}/config_elasticsearch.conf --results_file {path_to_results_file}/resultsfile
Example of config file for (SERVICE_CONFIG_FILE environment variable):
Example of queries file:
- [test/misc/test_query_performance/data/conf/queries_conf.json] third
Example of structures_config_file:
- [test/misc/test_query_performance/data/conf/structures_conf.json] fourth
Example of datasets_config_file in
- [test/misc/test_query_performance/data/conf/patients_dataset_conf.json] fifth
Example of archetype dir (with archetypes):
- [models/json] [sixth]
Dataset of 100 records in:
Dataset of 10M records in:
10 Datasets of 1M records in:
python test/pyEHR/ehr/services/dbmanager/querymanager/
version manager:
python test/pyEHR/ehr/services/dbmanager/dbservices/
python test/pyEHR/ehr/services/dbmanager/drivers/
python test/pyEHR/ehr/services/dbmanager/drivers/
python test/pyEHR/ehr/services/dbmanager/dbservices/
REST services: from ./services/
python --config ../config/services.elasticsearch.conf
python test/services/
[sixth]: <