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OAM Kubernetes Runtime

🎉 We have decided to promote OAM Kubernetes Runtime to an end-to-end app platform engine with the name of KubeVela. Please check its documentation site to learn about using OAM (Open Application Model) with Kubernetes in detail.

We made this decision because the growth of this project's feature set and community adoption have fairly exceeded its original scope as "an OAM library" in past 6 months and this made us feel it worth to promote it to a independent project which may even change how the community build developer-centric platforms in the foresee future.

Note that KubeVela is designed to support all features and APIs (i.e. OAM spec v0.2.x releases) of OAM Kubernetes Runtime. So as existing adopters, you could just replace your binary and everything is all set. We decided to avoid directly renaming this repository to KubeVela because there're some other adopters imported this project as a library, we don't want to break their use cases.

Though this also means we are focusing all of our attention on KubeVela repository and will only be working on this repository for critical updates and bug fixes.

The plug-in for implementing Open Application Model (OAM) on Kubernetes.


  • Kubernetes v1.16+
  • Helm 3
OAM Runtime Release Supported Spec Release Comments
Latest release OAM Spec v0.2.1


  1. Create namespace for OAM runtime controller
kubectl create namespace oam-system
  1. Add helm repo
helm repo add crossplane-master
  1. Install OAM Kubernetes Runtime

Install with webhook enabled by following steps:

  • Step 1: Admission Webhook need you to prepare certificates and ca for production use. For none-production use, you could generate them by running the shell script provided in repo.

    curl -sfL | bash -s oam-kubernetes-runtime-webhook oam-system

    The shell will generate files like below:

    $ tree
    ├── csr.conf
    ├── oam-kubernetes-runtime-webhook.csr
    ├── oam-kubernetes-runtime-webhook.key
    └── oam-kubernetes-runtime-webhook.pem
    0 directories, 4 files
  • Step 2: Create secret for ssl certificates:

    • Notice the server key and certificate must be named tls.key and tls.crt, respectively.
    • Secret name can be user defined, we'd better align with chart values.
    kubectl -n oam-system create secret generic webhook-server-cert --from-file=tls.key=./oam-kubernetes-runtime-webhook.key --from-file=tls.crt=./oam-kubernetes-runtime-webhook.pem
  • Step 3: Get CA Bundle info and install with its value

    caValue=`kubectl config view --raw --minify --flatten -o jsonpath='{.clusters[].cluster.certificate-authority-data}'`
    helm install core-runtime -n oam-system ./charts/oam-kubernetes-runtime --set useWebhook=true --set certificate.caBundle=$caValue 

For quick developing purpose only:

You can install this lib without webhook by:

helm install oam --namespace oam-system crossplane-master/oam-kubernetes-runtime --devel

But be aware that in this case, you will lose critical validations and injections required by OAM control plane. Only do this when you know what you are doing.

Verify the Installation

  • We have some examples in the repo for you to verify the OAM control plane is working:

    git clone [email protected]:crossplane/oam-kubernetes-runtime.git	
    cd ./oam-kubernetes-runtime	
  • Apply a sample application configuration

    kubectl apply -f examples/containerized-workload
  • Verify that the application is running

    Check its components:

    kubectl get components
    NAME                WORKLOAD-KIND           AGE
    example-component   ContainerizedWorkload   63s

    Check its application configuration:

    kubectl get appconfig
    NAME                AGE
    example-appconfig   3m48s

    Check the status and events from the application:

    kubectl describe appconfig example-appconfig
        Last Transition Time:  2020-06-12T21:18:40Z
        Reason:                Successfully reconciled resource
        Status:                True
        Type:                  Synced
        Component Name:  example-component
          Trait Ref:
            API Version:
            Kind:         ManualScalerTrait
            Name:         example-appconfig-trait
        Workload Ref:
          API Version:
          Kind:         ContainerizedWorkload
          Name:         example-appconfig-workload
      Type    Reason                 Age              From                                       Message
      ----    ------                 ----             ----                                       -------
      Normal  RenderedComponents     6s (x2 over 7s)  oam/  Successfully rendered components
      Normal  AppliedComponents      6s (x2 over 6s)  oam/  Successfully applied components
      Normal  Deployment created     6s (x3 over 6s)  ContainerizedWorkload                      Workload `example-appconfig-workload` successfully server side patched a deployment `example-appconfig-workload`
      Normal  Service created        6s (x3 over 6s)  ContainerizedWorkload                      Workload `example-appconfig-workload` successfully server side patched a service `example-appconfig-workload`
      Normal  Manual scalar applied  6s (x2 over 6s)  ManualScalarTrait                          Trait `example-appconfig-trait` successfully scaled a resouce to 3 instances

    You should also check underlying deployment and service looking like below

    kubectl get deployments
    NAME                                    READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    example-appconfig-workload-deployment   3/3   3           3              28s
    kubectl get services
    AME                                             TYPE       CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
    example-appconfig-workload-deployment-service   NodePort   <none>        8080/TCP   28s


helm uninstall oam -n oam-system
kubectl delete -f examples/containerized-workload
kubectl delete namespace oam-system --wait

Want to help?

Check out to see how to develop with OAM Kubernetes runtime


The OAM Kubernetes runtime is released under the Apache 2.0 license.