40 commits
to master
since this release
- NEW Data synchronization: GridScore is now able to synchronize data collected on different devices for the same trial. Data will be joined by prioritizing data with a newer recording date.
- NEW Germinate export: When exporting data containing multi-traits to Germinate Data Templates, an aggregation method has to be chosen per trait.
- NEW Surveys: GridScore now supports another type of dataset, namely Surveys. These are designed to support free data collection which is not physically located in a grid-like fashion.
- NEW Dataset comments: It's now possible to add general comments to the whole trial. Use the wee comment icon next to the trial name on the data screen.
- UPD Data circles: Trait data circles for multi-traits now show a half-filled circle when the trait has been scored at least once.
- FIX Speech synthesis: Fixed a bug with the speech synthesis which would sometimes cause text to be skipped.