Demo: (Build might not match this version)
This repository serves as a code sample from a project I created for Northeastern University.
This project was brainstormed upon 2 business needs:
- Figure out who owns what website inside Northeastern's massive digital presence
- Display accessibility and seo reports for each org.
To achieve 1) I used a Nested Tree data structure to organize the org hierarchy. Each org has a number of websites (props), on which audits are being run.
There are 3 types of checks being ran against every prop to achieve 2) and more info:
Uptime Monitoring
makes use Laravel's Event Scheduler to check for uptime
uses Laravel's Notification system to send emails or Slack messages if problems occur
Lighthouse Auditing
Creates .html reports with the lighthouse test results and updates the scores
runs with Lighthouse's Node.js API via a CRON job and writes the results on the project's database
- Auditing
The university already ran some tests through SiteImprove and I pulled the scores in this app using the URL as a unique key.
Currently, the update is being done when the /site-improve route is being hit.
To make this tool further accessible to other developers at the university, there is also an API through which you can pull all of the data available in the app and also filter sites by scores.
Sample requests:
Technologies used: Laravel, TailWind CSS, Node.js, Google Lighthouse, CRON,
- Create a DB with an admin user
- Fill your .env creditentials after the .example.env file
- Run the following
composer install
npm install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed
### Perform a single uptime check to populate data
php artisan monitor:check-uptime
### Start the lighthouse job
cd lighthouse/
npm install -g lighthouse
npm install
npm run start
cd ../
php artisan serve
npm run watch - in another terminal
php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
php artisan monitor:check-uptime
cd lighthouse/
node cron
Install Node Install PHP and Laravel Install a mail server Configure your desired scheduling laravel rate for monitoring ( Configure the CRON frequency of the lighthouse jobs in its folder Following the local dev steps +
- If you are on MacOS Catalina and experience problems with Lighthouse Remove your Google Chrome and Canary and reinstall it. Then add the Chrome Canary path to your .env file like so: CANARY_PATH = "/Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Canary"