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This branch is 515 commits behind JordanMartinez/purescript-jordans-reference:latestRelease.

Folders and files

Last commit message
Last commit date
Mar 7, 2019
May 22, 2019
Apr 23, 2019
May 25, 2019
May 19, 2019
May 22, 2019
May 25, 2019
May 22, 2019
May 22, 2019
May 22, 2019
May 16, 2019
Mar 21, 2019
May 22, 2019
Mar 7, 2019
Apr 20, 2019
Apr 24, 2019
May 25, 2019

Repository files navigation


This repo is my way of trying to use the Feynman Technique to help me learn Purescript and its ecosystem. It includes a number of links and other resources I've gathered or created. These have been gathered into the following folders. (For a full overview of this repo's contents, see the Table of file.)

All code uses PureScript 0.12.5

  • 00-Getting-Started
    • Why learn/use PureScript?
    • How to install Purscript & set up an editor (using Atom)
    • An overview of the REPL
    • Other important info.
  • 01-Build-Tools - how to use the tools in the ecosystem to manage dependencies, compile source code, and build projects
    • Overview of the dependency managers
    • Other build tools
  • 11-Syntax - Purescript's syntax explained using meta-language and verified by the compiler
    • Basic Syntax
    • Foreign Function Interface Syntax
    • Type-Level Programming Syntax
    • Module syntax
  • 21-Hello-World - everything you need to know to write, structure, test, and benchmark a Purescript program
    • Philosophical Foundations
    • Prelude + Basic data structures
    • Hello World & Effects
    • Debugging
    • Testing
    • Benchmarking
    • Application structure
    • Type-Level Programming Overview
  • 22-Projects - working programs written in an FP style with helpful comments and overviews of the libraries they use
    • Random Number Game - a game that runs on the console and in the browser using the same "business logic"
    • Table of Contents Generator (WIP) - a program that generates a table of contents for this project.
  • 31-Design Patterns - (WIP) commonly-used patterns to solve problems in FP languages
  • 41-Ecosystem - (WIP) a better overview of the libraries in Purescript (categorized by tags)

The following labels give insight into this project's development:

Note: Sometimes this repo will produce a lot of notifications due to opening/closing issues/PRs and me adding additional thoughts/comments to things. If you wish to watch this repo, you are advised to watch for releases only. Many have unwatched this repo (before the release-only watch option was available) because it sometimes feels like notification spam.


Unless stated otherwise in a specific folder or file, this project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license: (Human-readable version), (Actual License)

Creative Commons Licence

Guidelines for this project


Feel free to open a new issue for:

  • Clarification on something you don't understand. If I don't know it yet and I'm interested, it'll force me to learn it
  • A link to something you'd like me to research more. If I'm interested or see the value, I'll look into it and try to document it or explain the idea in a clear way
  • Corrections for any mistakes I've made
  • Improvements to anything I've written thus far

I have written an ISSUE_TEMPLATE file. When you open a new issue, there will be content there that tells you how to write a good, clear issue. Please, follow those instructions!

Learning Purescript Using This Project

  • Read through these links about learning:
  • Git clone this repo
  • Use these rules to read through the folders' contents in the correct order:
    • Read a folder's "" file first (if it exists). It may provide additional info for how to read a folder's contents.
    • Read a folder's files or subfolders in numerical order. For example, read things in the order they appear below:
      • 00-Getting-Started/
      • 00-Getting-Started/
      • 00-Getting-Started/... (the rest of the folder's contents)
      • 01-Build-Tools/... (the folder's contents)
      • 11-Syntax/
      • 11-Syntax/01-Basic-Syntax/src/00-Comments-and-Documentation.purs
      • 11-Syntax/01-Basic-Syntax/src/01-Preliminary-Concepts/01-Value-Function-Data-Syntax.purs
      • 11-Syntax/01-Basic-Syntax/src/01-Preliminary-Concepts/
      • 11-Syntax/01-Basic-Syntax/src/01-Preliminary-Concepts/03-The-Prim-Module.purs
      • 11-Syntax/01-Basic-Syntax/src/02-Data-and-Functions/... (the rest of the folder's content)
  • Compile the code where possible, either before or after you experiment

Naming Conventions Used In This Repo

Numbering System

When you see this number system:

You should understand it like so:

[major theme/idea][minor concept/point]

Each major theme will almost always have 1..9 minor concepts/points. Thus, you will sometimes not see a file:
-- 10-file-name is intentionally missing here

In situations, where 9 files were not enough, I converted a file into a folder and each file in that folder further explains it.

An 'x' in a File/Folder Name

If a file or folder name has x in the numerical part of its name (e.g. 0x-File-or-Folder-Name, 9x-File-or-Folder-Name), it means I am still deciding where it should appear in the numerical order (and it is likely still a work in progress).

Referring to Files/Folders in this repo

Lastly, when referring to folders/files, we'll omit the numerical ordering (since the final order is still being determined). So, rather than 00-Getting-Started, you'll see Getting Started folder. Rather than 00-Getting-Started/, you'll see Getting-Started/

Versioning Policy

See this section to help you understand what a new release means


  • Provide "stable" versions...:
    • Readers of a given version should be able to read and bookmark files without worrying about those files/links breaking due to changes in its name (via renaming/reordering files, headers in files, etc.)
    • Older versions should be available via git tag.
  • ...without restricting developer creativity:
    • I should be able to continue writing new content and re-ordering things without concern
  • Load the latest release:
    • This repo should show the latest release version of this project, not the one on which I'm working. In other words, the default branch should coincide with the last release.
  • Lessen maintenance as much as possible:
    • There should only be two branches, latestRelease and development since a branch name like master is overloaded with connotations. Those who want to read older versions can checkout a tag.
    • I currently will not hyperlink to other files within this project until either a 1.0.0 release is made or I find a way to automate that.
  • Indicate PS version:
    • As Purescript continues to evolve, the release should use a prefix indicating which major PS version for which this library is up-to-date.

Release Syntax and Explanation

ps-[purescript's major release]-v[Major].[Minor].[Patch] where

  • purescript's major release means
    • Normally, this would be 1.x.x, but we don't yet have a 1.0 release yet. Thus, it is currently 0.12.x
    • x is a placeholder for the latest minor/patch release.
  • major change means
    • a file/folder name has changed, so that bookmarks or links to that file/folder are now broken
    • files/folders have been modified, so that one is recommended to re-read the modified parts
  • minor change means
    • a file's contents have been modified/updated to such a degree that one is recommended to re-read the modified parts
    • a file's header name has changed, so that bookmarks or links to that header/section are now broken
  • patch means
    • additional files/folders have been added without breaking links
    • a file's contents have been modified/updated to a minor degree that one could re-read the modified parts but is not likely to benefit much from it.
    • a file's contents have been slightly updated (typos, markdown rendering issues, etc.)


Learn PureScript with this "clone and play" repository






No packages published


  • PureScript 97.4%
  • Shell 2.4%
  • JavaScript 0.2%