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Week 1: Fundamentals of Golang

Day 1: Introduction & Go Syntax

  • Theory: Go data types, variables, constants, and basic syntax.
  • Coding: Write simple programs like a calculator or string manipulator.
  • Tasks:
    • What are Go’s unique features compared to other languages?
    • Implement a basic program that takes user input and outputs the result.

1. Basic Program:

Write a Go program that takes two numbers as input, performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and then prints the results.

2. String Manipulation:

Create a program that takes a string as input, converts it to uppercase, and prints the number of characters in the string.

3. Constants and Variables:

Define two constants, PI and E, for the mathematical constants Pi (3.14) and Euler's number (2.71). Then write a program that calculates the circumference of a circle using the radius input by the user and prints both the circumference and the exponential of the radius.


Circumference = 2 * PI * radius
Exponential = E^radius (you can use math.Pow to calculate the power)

4. Data Types Practice:

Write a Go program that declares variables of different types (int, float64, string, bool) and prints them along with their types.

5. Type Conversion:

Write a program that converts a float64 value to an int and prints both the original and the converted values.

6. Challenge:

Create a program that prompts the user for their age, then calculates and prints how many days old they are (assuming 365 days per year).

Enter your age: 25
You are approximately 9125 days old.

Day 2: Control Structures

  • Theory: Conditionals (if-else), loops (for, range), and switch.
  • Coding: Create a number guessing game using control structures.
  • Tasks:
    • What is the difference between a regular for loop and range in Go?
    • Implement a loop that sums all numbers in an array.

1. FizzBuzz with a Twist:

Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. For multiples of 3, print "Fizz" instead of the number, and for multiples of 5, print "Buzz". For numbers that are multiples of both 3 and 5, print "FizzBuzz". Additionally, if a number is a prime, print "Prime" instead of the number.

1 Prime Fizz Prime Buzz Fizz Prime 8 Fizz Buzz Prime Fizz 14 FizzBuzz

2. Palindrome Checker:

Create a program that takes a string as input and uses a loop to check whether it is a palindrome (reads the same backward and forward). Ignore spaces and case when determining if it is a palindrome.

Enter a string: RaceCar
It is a palindrome.

3. Grade Calculator:

Write a program that takes a series of grades (0-100) as input and uses a loop to calculate the average grade, the highest grade, and the lowest grade. The program should stop when the user inputs a negative number.

Enter grade (negative number to end): 85
Enter grade: 92
Enter grade: 76
Enter grade: -1
Average Grade: 84.3
Highest Grade: 92
Lowest Grade: 76

4. Factorial Calculation with Error Handling:

Create a program that prompts the user for a non-negative integer and calculates the factorial of that number using a loop. If the user enters a negative number, display an error message and prompt them to enter a non-negative integer.

Enter a non-negative integer: 5
Factorial: 120

Enter a non-negative integer: -3
Error: Please enter a non-negative integer.

5. Number Guessing Game with Limited Attempts:

Write a number guessing game where the program randomly selects a number between 1 and 50. The user has up to 5 attempts to guess the number. After each incorrect guess, provide a hint ("too high" or "too low"). If the user fails to guess within 5 attempts, reveal the correct number.

Guess the number between 1 and 50: 20
Too low. Try again.
Guess the number: 30
Too high. Try again.
Sorry, you've used all attempts. The correct number was 27.

Day 3: Functions and Error Handling

  • Theory: Function syntax, multiple return values, and error handling in Go.
  • Coding: Create functions that perform mathematical operations and handle errors.
  • Tasks:
    • Explain Go’s approach to error handling.
    • Write a function that divides two numbers and returns both the quotient and any error.

Task 1: Multiple Return Values

Write a function calculate(a, b int) that returns the sum, difference, product, and quotient (if b is not zero) of two integers. Return an error if the second integer is zero.


sum, diff, product, quotient, err := calculate(10, 0)

Task 2: Variadic Function

Write a variadic function findMax that takes any number of integer arguments and returns the largest one.


max := findMax(3, 9, 2, 5, 7)

Task 3: Custom Error

Create a custom error InsufficientFundsError that includes the amount requested and the amount available. Use it in a withdraw function that checks if there are enough funds before proceeding.


type InsufficientFundsError struct {
    Requested, Available float64

func (e *InsufficientFundsError) Error() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("requested: %.2f, available: %.2f", e.Requested, e.Available)

func withdraw(balance, amount float64) error {
    if amount > balance {
        return &InsufficientFundsError{Requested: amount, Available: balance}
    return nil

Task 4: Wrapping and Unwrapping Errors

Create a readFile function that reads a file and returns an error if the file cannot be opened. Wrap the error using fmt.Errorf with %w, and then unwrap it to display the original error.


func readFile(filename string) error {
    _, err := os.Open(filename)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to open file: %w", err)
    return nil

func main() {
    err := readFile("nonexistent.txt")
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Original error:", errors.Unwrap(err))

Day 4: Go Data Structures

  • Theory: Arrays, slices, maps, and structs.
  • Coding: Implement a contact list using structs and slices.
  • Tasks:
    • How does Go handle slices differently from arrays?
    • Create a map of items and their prices, and write a function that returns the total price of selected items.


Task 1: Structs and Methods – Library System

Create a library system where you can add books, lend books to users, and return books. Each book should be represented by a struct with attributes like title, author, and availability status. You should implement methods for:

  1. Adding a book to the library.
  2. Lending a book to a user (change its availability).
  3. Returning a book (mark it as available again).

Additionally, handle edge cases like trying to lend a book that’s already lent out or returning a book that wasn’t lent out.

Key Points:

  • Use a slice of structs to store multiple books.
  • Each method should be able to modify the availability status of a book.

Task 2: Nested Maps and Slices – User Data Management

Write a program to manage user data for an application. Each user has a username, and each username has multiple associated attributes like age, email, and a list of favorite movies. You should use a map to store this data where:

  • The keys are usernames (strings).
  • The values are structs containing the user's information (age, email, and a slice of favoriteMovies).

Implement the following features:

  1. Add a new user.
  2. Update a user's information.
  3. Retrieve a user's favorite movies.
  4. List all users who have a specific movie in their favorites.

Key Points:

  • Use maps for quick lookups and slices for storing lists of favorite movies.
  • Ensure you handle updating a user who already exists and avoid duplicate entries in their favorite movies.

Task 3: Slices and Maps – Most Frequent Words

Write a program that takes a long string of text and returns the top 5 most frequent words and their respective counts. Use a map to store the frequency of each word and a slice to store the words sorted by their frequency.


  1. Split the text into words (consider punctuation and case sensitivity).
  2. Use a map to count occurrences of each word.
  3. Sort the words by their frequency and return the top 5.

Key Points:

  • Use slices for sorting.
  • Ensure that the map keys are the words, and the values are their frequencies.

Task 4: Slices – Merging Intervals

Given a list of intervals represented by pairs of integers (e.g., [1, 3], [2, 6]), write a function that merges all overlapping intervals and returns a list of merged intervals.

For example, if the input is [[1, 3], [2, 6], [8, 10], [15, 18]], the output should be [[1, 6], [8, 10], [15, 18]].

Key Points:

  • Use slices to represent intervals.
  • You need to sort the intervals by their start time before merging them.
  • Ensure your function can handle edge cases, such as when no intervals overlap or when all intervals overlap.

Task 5: Structs and Maps – Product Inventory System

Create a product inventory system where each product is represented by a struct with fields like ID, name, quantity, and price. The system should allow:

  1. Adding new products.
  2. Updating the quantity of existing products.
  3. Deleting products.
  4. Displaying a summary of the inventory (total value of all products).

Use a map to store the products, where the ID is the key and the product struct is the value.

Key Points:

  • Handle adding, updating, and deleting products efficiently.
  • Ensure that the system updates both the quantity and the price when necessary.
  • Calculate the total value of the inventory by multiplying the price and quantity for each product.

Day 5: Pointers

  • Theory: Go pointers, reference vs value types.
  • Coding: Write a function that modifies a value using pointers.
  • Tasks:
    • How do pointers work in Go?
    • Create a program that swaps two numbers using pointers.

Day 6: Review & Practice

  • Coding: Build a small project that combines everything from this week (e.g., a to-do list app).
  • Tasks:
    • Review Go’s error handling practices.
    • Solve common interview questions related to Go basics.

Week 2: Golang Intermediate Concepts

Day 1: Interfaces & Polymorphism

  • Theory: Go interfaces, polymorphism, and type assertions.
  • Coding: Create an interface for different shapes and calculate areas.
  • Tasks:
    • Explain Go’s interface mechanism.
    • Implement a polymorphic function that accepts any shape and returns its area.

Day 2: Concurrency in Go

  • Theory: Goroutines, channels, and the Go scheduler.
  • Coding: Build a program using goroutines to handle multiple tasks concurrently.
  • Tasks:
    • What are goroutines, and how do they differ from threads?
    • Write a program where multiple goroutines communicate via channels.

Day 3: Synchronization & Mutexes

  • Theory: Synchronization using channels, mutexes, and WaitGroups.
  • Coding: Implement a counter using mutexes to avoid race conditions.
  • Tasks:
    • When would you use a mutex over channels?
    • Create a producer-consumer problem using channels.

Day 4: Packages & Modules

  • Theory: Organizing code with packages, modules, and third-party libraries.
  • Coding: Build a simple package and import it into a main application.
  • Tasks:
    • How do Go modules differ from packages?
    • Write a package that handles basic arithmetic operations.

Day 5: Go Testing & Benchmarking

  • Theory: Testing in Go using testing package, writing unit tests, and benchmarks.
  • Coding: Write unit tests for existing functions and benchmark them.
  • Tasks:
    • How does Go’s testing package work?
    • Write test cases for a program that calculates discounts on items.

Day 6: Review & Practice

  • Coding: Build a more complex project involving interfaces, concurrency, and error handling.
  • Tasks:
    • Review concurrency and testing practices.
    • Solve concurrency-related interview problems.

Week 3: PostgreSQL Fundamentals

Day 1: Introduction to PostgreSQL

  • Theory: Basic PostgreSQL architecture, installation, and database setup.
  • Coding: Create a database and add a few tables (e.g., users and orders).
  • Tasks:
    • What are the key features of PostgreSQL compared to other databases?
    • Write queries to insert and fetch data from the database.

Day 2: SQL Basics

  • Theory: Basic SQL queries (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE).
  • Coding: Write SQL queries for CRUD operations on the database.
  • Tasks:
    • What is the difference between an INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN?
    • Implement a query that returns orders and their associated users.

Day 3: Table Relationships & Joins

  • Theory: One-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships.
  • Coding: Create tables with foreign key constraints and perform JOIN operations.
  • Tasks:
    • Explain different types of joins in PostgreSQL.
    • Write queries to retrieve data from related tables.

Day 4: Indexes & Query Optimization

  • Theory: Indexes, query planning, and performance optimization.
  • Coding: Create indexes and measure their effect on query performance.
  • Tasks:
    • How do indexes improve performance in PostgreSQL?
    • Write queries and add indexes to optimize a slow query.

Day 5: Transactions & ACID Properties

  • Theory: Transactions, isolation levels, and the ACID model.
  • Coding: Write a transaction that updates multiple tables.
  • Tasks:
    • Explain the ACID properties of a transaction.
    • Implement a transaction that ensures data consistency across multiple operations.

Day 6: Review & Practice

  • Coding: Build a small application that interacts with PostgreSQL (e.g., a user management system).
  • Tasks:
    • Review PostgreSQL indexing and transaction practices.
    • Solve SQL query problems commonly asked in interviews.

Week 4: Advanced PostgreSQL & Integration with Golang

Day 1: Stored Procedures & Functions

  • Theory: Writing stored procedures and functions in PostgreSQL.
  • Coding: Create a stored procedure that calculates discounts based on purchase history.
  • Tasks:
    • What are the advantages of using stored procedures?
    • Write a function that calculates totals for different orders.

Day 2: Triggers & Event-Driven Systems

  • Theory: PostgreSQL triggers and their use cases.
  • Coding: Implement a trigger that logs changes to a table.
  • Tasks:
    • When should you use triggers in a database?
    • Create a trigger that tracks updates to the user’s table.

Day 3: Connecting Go with PostgreSQL

  • Theory: Using the pgx and database/sql packages to interact with PostgreSQL in Go.
  • Coding: Build a Go application that performs CRUD operations on a PostgreSQL database.
  • Tasks:
    • How does Go’s pgx package differ from database/sql?
    • Write Go code that connects to PostgreSQL and performs database operations.

Day 4: Optimizing Go-PostgreSQL Performance

  • Theory: Optimizing queries in Go, connection pooling, and handling large datasets.
  • Coding: Implement connection pooling and handle a large data query efficiently.
  • Tasks:
    • What is connection pooling, and how does it help performance?
    • Create a Go program that handles large dataset queries efficiently.

Day 5: Security Best Practices

  • Theory: Securing PostgreSQL databases (encryption, user roles, access control).
  • Coding: Implement role-based access control for a database.
  • Tasks:
    • How can you secure a PostgreSQL database in production?
    • Write a query that grants permissions to different user roles.

Day 6: Final Project & Review

  • Coding: Build a full-stack project integrating Go and PostgreSQL (e.g., a product catalog or a blog platform).
  • Tasks:
    • Review integration strategies between Go and PostgreSQL.
    • Practice interview questions involving database design and Go-based APIs.


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