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Crossroads Microclient Implementation in Elixir/Phoenix

Environment Setup

Install the latest stable version of elixir

Follow the guide located on the elixir site.

Install the Phoenix Mix archive

There is a great guide on the phoenix site, but essentially you will just run: $ mix archive.install to install the mix archive.

Install node.js >= 5.0.0

This is environment specific, please visit for instructions on installing on your operating system.

Up and running

  1. Clone the project to your local machine: git clone --recursive (The recursive is important!!!!) OR cd crossroads-phoenix && git submodule init && git submodule update. git clone

We are trying to move away from git submodules since they can cause too much confusion. We are now using NPM modules.

  1. Check out the master branch in the submodule directory: cd apps/crossroads_interface/web/static/js/angular2-webpack-phoenix/ && git checkout master
  2. Install Phoenix dependencies by running the following command in the crossroads_interface/ directory: mix deps.get

This project is an umbrella project which lets us break it into smaller pieces. The phoenix portion is in the apps/crossroads_inteface directory and probably where you will be working most of the time.

  1. Install javascript dependencies by running the following command in the crossroads_interface/ directory: npm install
  2. Kick of the build and the server: MIX_ENV=dev mix phoenix.server

Windows users will need to run set MIX_ENV=dev and then run mix phoenix.server MIX_ENV=dev is necessary because we need some way to tell the Microclients that we are running in the context of our phoenix application. This way webpack will put our build files in the correct assets folder for phoenix to serve.

Things still left TODO

  • Pull in all tests from the crds-angular repo
  • Find a way to run all tests and submodule tests from the root of the crossroads-interface with NPM and webpack(?)
  • Handle authentication more globally. Maybe the Phoneix server handles it and uses Session storage? Maybe we just create a framework and add it to the example JS repo.
  • Setup the Phoenix app to proxy requests the .NET server.
  • Setup the Phoenix app to proxy CMS request to the CMS Server.
  • Pull in all the latest changes to crds-angular client side codebase.
  • Determine how to reliably route between MicroClients
  • Create a future proof, framework agnostic, shareable header and footer
  • Write a guide for adding/editing a microclient
  • Deployment