An application creating ballots, collecting votes, and registering voters.
Install visual studio community 2017 to open project.
Setup an SQL database on your local system by downloading and installing SQL developer edition from Microsoft.
Manage the SQL server by downloading and installing SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) on your local machine.
You can watch requests coming into your SQL server by going to Tools -> SQL Server Profiler. After connecting to the database within the profiler a popup for setting the trace configuartion will apear. Change the template to TSQL_Duration this will provide a good base for catching requests to the SQL server. Then click run, the profiler is now watching requests to your SQL server.
Your now ready to debug and program within this application. Make sure your work is done within a branch, instead of the Master. Then you can submit a pull request when the feature is complete. The expectation is that the branch will be deleted after the pull request is accepted.
Client side validation of forms:
Identity Tutorial:
Identity Source:
Editing data Tutorial:
Getting Started with Entity Framework 6 Code First using MVC 5
Testing is done with Selenium and xUnit. To run the Selenium tests, the server must be started from command line.
- Navigate to the projects base directory.
- Go into the VotingApplication folder which has VotingApplication.csproj.
- Then execute "dotnet run -VotingApplication.csproj" This will start the server similar to running it from visual studio. Now the web tests can be run in visual studio by going to: Test -> Windows -> Test Explorer This will show all of the current tests and their status.
Google API Key:
<script src=""></script>
Replace YOUR_KEY with the key from Google to use Google maps
Important information about Entity Framework 6 Lazy Execution: