mcalc is a graphical multi-precision calculator, which focus on Number Theory.
It is a graphical front-end to GMP.
If the result is longer than 34 digits, it will be displayed in the terminal.
Some of the less obvious keys:
"Fn" calculates the nth fibonacci number
"!" calculates the factorial
"#" calculates the primorial
"np" calculates the next prime number
"p?" primality test
In order to compile mcalc, you will need these two libraries installed:
On Linux Mint, install the dependencies using:
sudo apt install libglfw-dev libgmp-dev
Campilation command on UNIX-like:
Always launch it from a terminal:
Calculate the largest prime number using mcalc.
Advantages of using mcalc are the speed and ease of use (when compared to programming tools like python or bc).
Currently, the following functions are available to use directly:
- mpz_mul();
- mpz_div();
- mpz_sub();
- mpz_add();
- mpz_pow_ui();
- mpz_fac_ui();
- mpz_probab_prime_p();
- mpz_nextprime();
- mpz_sqrt();
- mpz_primorial_ui().
- mpz_fib_ui();
Feel free to place requests for more functions in the "issues" section :P
GPL v2
(C)2022 Nuno Ferreira
Uses the Nuklear GUI toolkit