Crane Cloud OCAS - Placement for low resource settings based on Docker Swarm
To install the hotelreservation application (the assumption is that you are working from the home directory):
docker stack deploy --compose-file hotelreservation.yml hotelreservation
You should check the status of the services and ensure that replication is correctly being done and the numbers running as expected:
docker stack ls
docker service ls
Installation of supporting packages:
sudo apt install luarocks libssl-dev zlib-dev
sudo luarocks install luasocket
Installation of the benchmarking tool
cd /tmp
git clone
cd wrk2
cp wrk ~/ocas/
cd /tmp
git clone
cd ~/ocas/
cp -r /tmp/DeathStarBench/hotelReservation/wrk2/scripts .
Run a sample benchmark
./wrk -t 10 -c 100 -d 10 -s ./scripts/hotel-reservation/mixed-workload_type_1.lua -R 2000 -L
Other tests
curl ''
user@client0:~$ curl ''
To build the jaeger-mongodb library compatible with Alpine Linux - used by Jaeger
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=0 go build ./cmd/jaeger-mongodb