Clone the repo somewhere and source it in .tmux.conf
run-shell "/path/to/bubbles.tmux"
Install using TPM
set -g @plugin 'cqroot/bubbles.tmux'
The default main color is inspired by dracula. You can modify it with the following command:
set -g @tmux_bubbles_color_main '#76bddb'
Here are all the options:
Option | Default |
tmux_bubbles_modules_left | ' #S ' |
tmux_bubbles_modules_right | ' %F %T ' |
tmux_bubbles_color_main | '#BD93F9' |
tmux_bubbles_color_active | '#EAEAEA' |
tmux_bubbles_color_grey | '#424242' |
tmux_bubbles_color_light | '#EAEAEA' |
tmux_bubbles_color_dark | '#282A2E' |
NOTE: Options should be set before sourcing.
- tmux-power - Tmux powerline theme