This repository contains CQL exercises for learning CQL authoring
The exercises in this repository can be worked locally, or remotely.
The exercises in this repository can be worked using the codespaces feature of Github to allow participants a completely browser-based experience:
- Make sure you are logged in to (if you don't have an account, you can signup free here)
- Open the repository in a Codespace using the green Code button dropdown (a 4-core machine should be plenty for this)
Note that the first time you open the Codespace will take quite a while, so give it time to initialize.
While the Codespace is initializing, there is an option to open the container in VS Code Desktop. DO NOT SELECT THIS OPTION unless you have VS Code installed locally. Continue to wait for the Codespace to initialize.
Once the Codespace is open, you will be in a VS Code with the contents of this repository open in the File Explorer and can view the exercises in the input/cql folder.
These exercises can be worked locally with the VS Code Plugin. If you do not have VSCode and the CQFramework CQL Plugin installed, follow the Quick Start instructions.
Once you have VSCode installed, the exercises can be downloaded locally (i.e. cloning this repository to your local drive). To do this from within VSCode, follow the instructions for Cloning a repository. When you get to the dialog asking for the repository to clone, provide this link:
This link is also available from the Code
button at the top of the repository home page in GitHub.
Once you have cloned the repository locally, open the repository in VSCode at the root of the repository. In the file explorer in the IDE, navigate to the input/cql
folder and open any of the exercises. Once you're in a CQL editor, you should see syntax highlighting and error reporting, and you can also execute the CQL by right-clicking and selectin CQL | Execute
from the popup menu, or simply by pressing F5
There are files, ig.ini and cqf-exercises.xml, that are included in this repository to satisfy a requirement in the vscode-cql plugin that have nothing to do with the exercises in this repository. They can safely be ignored. They are part of the IG process.
For more information on the VSCode CQL plugin, refer to the CQFramework VSCode CQL Plugin User Guide.
The exercises are available in the [input/cql] directory, and linked directly here:
- Exercises01: Preliminaries
- Exercises02: Types and Values
- Exercises03: Operators
- Exercises04: Intervals and Lists
- Exercises05: Terminology
- Exercises06: Data Access
- Exercises07: Queries
- Exercises08: Advanced Queries
- Exercises09: Patterns
- Exercises10: Lung Cancer Screening Decision Support
- Exercises11: Breast Cancer Screening Measure