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Bryn Rhodes edited this page Dec 11, 2020 · 3 revisions

To support the use of CQL with FHIR, the translator includes model info (descriptions of the structures and types available in a model) for each version of FHIR. To use CQL with FHIR, include a using declaration referencing FHIR for one of the following versions:

Version Description
1.0.2 FHIR DSTU2 Release
1.6 FHIR STU3 Ballot + Connectathon 13 (Baltimore)
1.8 FHIR STU3 Candidate + Connectathon 14 (San Antonio)
3.0.1 FHIR STU3 Release
3.2.0 FHIR R4 Draft for Comment
4.0.1 FHIR R4

NOTE: Model Info for versions 3.0.0 and 4.0.0 is still available for backwards compatibility, but new artifacts should use 3.0.1 and 4.0.1

Retrievable Types (R4)

Type Primary Code Path
Account type
ActivityDefinition topic
AdverseEvent event
AllergyIntolerance code
Appointment serviceType
Basic code
BodyStructure location
CarePlan category
CareTeam category
ChargeItemDefinition code
Claim type
ClinicalImpression code
Communication category
CommunicationRequest category
Composition type
Condition code
Consent category
Coverage type
DetectedIssue code
Device type
DeviceMetric type
DeviceRequest code
DeviceUseStatement device.code
DiagnosticReport code
Encounter type
EpisodeOfCare type
ExplanationOfBenefit type
Flag code
Goal category
GuidanceResponse module
HealthcareService type
Immunization vaccineCode
Library topic
Location type
Measure topic
MeasureReport measure.topic
Medication code
MedicationAdministration medication
MedicationDispense medication
MedicationRequest medication
MedicationStatement medication
MessageDefinition event
Observation code
OperationOutcome issue.code
Patient N/A
PractitionerRole code
Procedure code
ProcedureRequest code
Questionnaire name
ReferralRequest type
RelatedPerson relationship
RiskAssessment code
SearchParameter target
Sequence type
Specimen type
Substance code
SupplyDelivery type
SupplyRequest category
Task code
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