SpreeMultiLingual is originally a proof of concept for what could become a multi-lingual Spree plugin.
Since then integration tests and features have been added.
- Spree 1.0.X
- Rails 3.1.X
Add gem to your Gemfile:
gem "spree_multi_lingual", :git => "[email protected]:jipiboily/spree_multi_lingual.git"
Run Bundler
bundle install
Add an initializer file and set SpreeMultiLingual.languages to an array containing the languages you support.
# config/initializers/spree_multi_lingual.rb
SpreeMultiLingual.languages = ["fr", "en", "es"] # Add your own locales here
For the moment, enable locale fallbacks for I18n (makes lookups for any locale fall back to the I18n.default_locale when a translation can not be found)
# config/application.rb
config.I18n.fallbacks = true
Run spree_multi_lingual install:
rails g spree_multi_lingual:install
If you want to use browser language detection using rack-contrib Locale :
# config.ru
require 'rack'
require 'rack/contrib'
use Rack::Locale
require ::File.expand_path('../config/environment', __FILE__)
run MyRailsApp::Application
On views where there is translated fields, there should be a dropdown to switch currently edited locale.
Products: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6210261/spree_multi_lingual.swf
Taxons: /!\ Using the taxonomy tree you can only edit another locale taxons name, to do so click on the links next to "Edit Taxonomy" to show the taxonomy for a given locale. If you want to create taxons using the taxonomy tree, please only use the default locale for the moment.
To edit taxons permalink please do as following:
For now :
- products : name, permalink, description, meta description and meta keywords.
- taxonomies : name.
- taxons : name, permalink and description.
there is no fallback of default language for now unless you speficy I18n.fallbacks as previously stated.
It uses Globalize3, easy_globalize3_accessors and routing-filter. Thanks to Tomash that told me about those two awesome gems: easy_globalize3_accessors and routing-filter.
SpreeMultiLingual depends on a fork of routing-filter because it supports :exclude option in routes, used for /admin. I hope it this feature can me merged into the original repo.
- Make taxons multi languages editable from the taxonomy tree
- Dynamically show taxon full permalink depending on dropdown language selected : Taxons#edit
- Travis-CI
- Add things to translate:
- Option types
- Option values
- Properties
- Alt text on images
- Dropdown or something to change locale
- Fallback
- Rake task for store that already have users
Special thanks to sbounmy for the amount of contributions he did. Thanks to Radar for merging spree_localize.
Be sure to bundle your dependencies and then create a dummy test app for the specs to run against.
$ bundle
$ bundle exec rake test app
$ bundle exec rspec spec
Copyright (c) 2012 Jean-Philippe Boily, released under the New BSD License