This project was build to be used as a faster way to start a fron-end development with a stanrdard template
- Node.js
- NPM Package Manager
- Bower (require git)
- After tasks finishes, will be creates a /public directory
- Minified and also concatenated css and js files setted at
<-- build-->
inside index.html - Hint for SASS and CSS compilation
- Hint for JS files (With ES6 Support)
- AutoPrefixer for CSS files
Since you have Node.js installed, you have to clone this repository
$ git clone
├── /src/ # To include all the files to use on the project
│ ├── /css # CSS files will be auto-compiled from the SASS files
│ ├── /fonts # The fonts that will be used
│ ├── /img # Images to be used
│ ├── /js # Scripts directory
│ └── /sass # SASS source files
│ └── /index.html # Main file
│── .bowerrc # Bower configuration file (Redirect packages to /src/vendor)
│── .gitignore # Git Ignore list
│── bower.json # List of 3rd party Bower packages and utilities
│── gulpfile.js # List of Gulp Dependencies
│── package.json # List of 3rd party NPM packages and utilities
└── # README file with instructions
$ npm install
After finish to install npm packages, install bower (if you don´t have installed yet)
$ npm install bower
After bower installed, install the package that was set in bower.json
$ bower install
End with an example of getting some data out of the system or using it for a little demo
To run the project in Development mode, run the command in the project folder
The Development Mode includes Normalize.css
$ gulp develop
After run, the BrowserSync will open a browser window automatically at http://localhost:3000
On this mode, the development mode compiles SASS files every saved file and put the file at /src/css
To Deploy the website developed, you just run into the project folder
$ gulp
- Node.JS - The runtime build
- NPM - Dependency Management
- Bower - Front-end Dependency Management
- Gulp - Development Task Manager
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Thadeu Cotts - Initial work - Thadeu Cotts
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License
- Alura Cursos Online for the amazing way of teach development
- @sergiolopes, @filipedeschamps for the useful tips