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Hubble's Law

A Cosmic Data Story about Hubble's Law


  • Python-based Cosmic Data Stories now run on solara.
  • hubbleds requires the base cosmicds to be installed.
  • Developers need an API key to access the CosmicDS database. Contact the team for more information.


  • Optional but recommended, set up a new python environment.
  • Install pip if you don't already have it.
  • If you haven't already installed these packages,
    $ pip install solara
    $ pip install python-dotenv
  • Pull down both the cosmicds & hubbleds repos.
  • Inside the cosmicds folder in your terminal, $ pip install -e .
  • Inside the hubbleds folder in your terminal, $ pip install -e .

Running HubbleDS

Inside the hubbleds folder in your terminal,

    $ CDS_API_KEY="<your api key>" solara run hubbleds.pages --theme-variant dark

Development Tip

If you update .css, you have to force refresh your browser (shift-command-r on a mac) for the changes to register.

Legacy Code

As of 4/30/2024, the voila-based code has been moved to the legacy branch.

To run the legacy code, you also need the legacy branch of the cosmicds repo.

  • Pull down both those branches and set up a new python environment.
  • In the cosmicds directory: $ pip install -e .
  • In the hubbleds directory: $ pip install -e .
  • You may need to pip install any missing dependencies.
  • If you have trouble installing voila, you may need to downgrade your version of node.js to a Long Term Support (LTS) version (14.x or 16.x).
  • Open jupyter notebook and run src/hubbleds/HubbleDS.ipynb


  • From the command line: $ cosmicds hubble

Development environment

In order to keep consistency with development, this repository contains an environment file that specifies dependency versions. You can create a conda environment using this file via

conda env create --name <env-name> --file environment.yml

To re-create the environment file using the packages in your current environment, you can run the script. Note that this file will make sure that we install the ipywwt package from its git repository. It also removes any references to cosmicds and hubbleds, as this is supposed to generate a development environment for the hubbleds package. This script only retains information about Python packages installed via pip; other conda dependencies may differ between machines and aren't important for our purposes.


This project has been set up using PyScaffold 4.5. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see