This tool monitors view counts for YouTube videos and reports the results on Excel or Google Sheets documents. The user can use either video URLs or channel links to track video counts.
- Read urls from txt, csv, xlsx, or Google Sheets file.
- Read video urls from channel link
- Output results to Excel
- Chart for the most watched 10 videos for Excel output
- Output results to Google Sheets
- Schedule for repeated runs
- Run as Docker container
See the user manual here
Run the following commands to install required packages
cd <project directory>
python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Install docker from here and run the following command in the project directory.
docker build -t yt_views_tracker .
Creating a tar file from Docker image
docker save yt_views_tracker:latest | gzip > yt_views_tracker.tar.gz
Loading the tar image
docker load -i yt_views_tracker.tar.gz
Go to Google Developers Console and create a new project.
Enable "Google Drive API"
Enable "Google Sheets API"
Create credentials -> Service Account from "APIs & Services"
After creating credentials, add key -> JSON
- Save download file as "credentials.json" and copy to project directory.
Share your document with the value of "client_email" field if you will read urls from Google Sheets.
usage: python [-h] [-c] [-cf CONFIGFILE] [-f URLSFILE] [-ch CHANNELS] [-ot OUTPUT_TYPE] [-of OUTPUT_FILE] [-uc URL_COLUMN] [-sm SHARE_MAIL] [-s SCHEDULE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c, --useconfig Read configuration from config.json file
-cf CONFIGFILE, --configfile CONFIGFILE Read configuration from given file
-f URLSFILE, --urlsfile URLSFILE File to read video urls
-ch CHANNELS, --channels CHANNELS Channel urls separated by comma
-ot OUTPUT_TYPE, --output_type OUTPUT_TYPE Output file type (one of excel, gsheets)
-of OUTPUT_FILE, --output_file OUTPUT_FILE Output file name
-uc URL_COLUMN, --url_column URL_COLUMN Url column index for csv, xlsx, or Google Sheets input
-sm SHARE_MAIL, --share_mail SHARE_MAIL Mail address to share Google Sheets document
-s SCHEDULE, --schedule SCHEDULE Interval to run as scheduled task
- For the most basic usage, the script requires at least one of “-c”, “-f”, or “-ch” options for config file, urls file and channel links respectively.
python -c
python -f ~/video_urls.txt
python -ch ""
Results are written to results.xlsx file by default in views, title, url order. Logs can be seen in the yt_views.log file in the project directory.
Read video URLs from video_urls.csv and output results to video_view_counts.xlsx file.
python -f ~/video_urls.csv -of video_view_counts.xlsx
Use options from custom_config.json file.
python -c -cf custom_config.json
Read video URLs from the third column of video_urls.csv file.
python -f ~/video_urls.csv -uc 2
If you will use Google Sheets for getting video URL inputs, add “gsheets-” prefix to the urlsfile(f) parameter.
python -f gsheets-video_urls
This command will read URLs from Google Sheets document named “video_urls”.
Read video URLs from Google Sheets document using file link.
python -f gsheets-
Read video URLs from txt file and output results to Google Sheets document named “view_results”.
python -f ~/video_urls.txt -ot gsheets -of view_results -sm [email protected]
Share mail parameter is needed, so that you can see the document on your account.
If you will use config file and read URLs from channel links, you should keep the urlsfile field empty in the json file.
{ "urlsfile": "", "channels": [ "", "" ], "output_type": "excel", "output_file": "results.xlsx", "url_column": 0, "share_mail": "[email protected]", "schedule": "NONE" }
python -c
Run the following command first for once.
docker run --rm -it -v view_results_volume:/src yt_views_tracker
If you will use with Google Sheets, copy your credentials file to the shared directory.
sudo cp /path/to/credentials.json /var/lib/docker/volumes/view_results_volume/_data
If you will use the urls file, copy urls file to the shared directory.
sudo cp ~/video_urls.txt /var/lib/docker/volumes/view_results_volume/_data
Run the container by passing arguments as usual.
docker run --rm -it -v view_results_volume:/src yt_views_tracker -f video_urls.txt
docker run --rm -it -v view_results_volume:/src yt_views_tracker -ch ""
docker run --rm -it -v view_results_volume:/src yt_views_tracker -f gsheets-video_urls
docker run --rm -it -v view_results_volume:/src yt_views_tracker -f video_urls.txt -ot gsheets -of view_results -sm [email protected]
Copy the results to a different directory on the host device.
sudo cp /var/lib/docker/volumes/view_results_volume/_data/results.xlsx ~/views_output
Copy your config file to the shared directory.
sudo cp ~/views_output/config_for_docker.json /var/lib/docker/volumes/view_results_volume/_data/
Run the container with "-c" and "-cf" options.
docker run --rm -it -v view_results_volume:/src yt_views_tracker -c -cf config_for_docker.json
See here for sharing on Windows.
You can run the script in scheduled intervals. Scheduling is not active by default so the script will run only once and exit after completion. You have 9 scheduling options as shown below.
- 10 minutes (MIN10)
- 15 minutes (MIN15)
- 30 minutes (MIN30)
- 1 hour (HOUR1)
- 3 hours (HOUR3)
- 6 hours (HOUR6)
- 8 hours (HOUR8)
- 12 hours (HOUR12)
- Once a day at “HH:MM”
Run every 30 minutes
python -f video_urls.csv -s MIN30
Run once a day at 15:30
python -f video_urls.csv -s 15:30
python -m pip install pytest
pytest -vs
python -m pip install coverage
coverage run --omit *dist-packages* -m pytest -vs
coverage report --omit *dist-packages,*
coverage html --omit *dist-packages,*
You can see the report by opening index.html file located under htmlcov folder in the project directory.
If you need support, you can contact me by emailing to [email protected] with the “yt_views_tracker” prefix in the subject. You can also see my Upwork profile here.
If you benefit from this tool, please consider donating using the sponsor links.