kpm is no longer developed or maintained by CoreOS.
if you have any question you can chat with us
KPM is a tool to deploy and manage application stacks on kubernetes.
KPM provides the glue between kubernetes resources (ReplicaSet, DaemonSet, Secrets...). It defines a package as a composition of kubernetes resources and dependencies to other packages.
KPM uses a global registry, packages are immediately accessible and visible to the community. Versioning is strong and was easy to implement:
- How to scale database slaves(postgresql/mysql/redis) ?
- How to deploy a production-grade elasticsearch/rabbitmq/zookeep/etcd/ clusters on kubernetes? It requires stable network identity and a unique storage per pod!
---> KPM creates multiple variation of a single template with simplicity
Creating a 3 node rabbitmq cluster is easy:
- List the resources
- Add the keyword
sharded: true
to enable unique variation - List the shards and define
- name: rabbitmq
file: rabbitmq-rc.yaml
type: replicationcontroller
sharded: yes
- name: rabbitmq
file: rabbitmq-svc.yaml
type: service
sharded: yes
# LB to any of the rabbitmq shard
- name: rabbitmq
file: rabbitmq-umbrella-svc.yaml
type: service
- name: hare
data_volume: {name: data, persistentVolumeClaim: {claimName: claim-hare}}
- name: bunny
data_volume: {name: data, persistentVolumeClaim: {claimName: claim-bunny}}
- name: rabbit-on-ram
data_volume: {name: data, emptyDir: ""}
args: [--ram]
KPM is an API with an command line interface, its major difference in terms of design and possible integration.
--> We wanted a tool that could be integrated anywhere, for that KPM is building the package server side. Clients are brainless and easy to implement. As a POC we integrated KPM to a fork of in less than a day:
kpm is a python2 package and available on pypi
$ sudo pip install kpm -U
git clone kpm-cli
cd kpm-cli
sudo make install
KPM uses kubectl
to communicate with the kubernetes cluster.
Check if the cluster is accessible:
$ kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"1", GitVersion:"v1.1.4", GitCommit:"a5949fea3a91d6a50f40a5684e05879080a4c61d", GitTreeState:"clean"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"1", GitVersion:"v1.1.4", GitCommit:"a5949fea3a91d6a50f40a5684e05879080a4c61d", GitTreeState:"clean"}
- All packages:
kpm list
- Filter by user:
kpm -u username
The website has more advanced search and browsing featutres than the CLI.
kpm deploy package_name [-v VERSION] [--namespace namespace]
$ kpm deploy ant31/rocketchat --namespace myns
create ant31/rocketchat
package version type name namespace status
---------------- --------- --------------------- ---------- ----------- --------
ant31/mongodb 1.0.0 namespace myns myns created
ant31/mongodb 1.0.0 service mongodb myns created
ant31/mongodb 1.0.0 replicationcontroller mongodb myns created
ant31/rocketchat 1.6.2 namespace myns myns ok
ant31/rocketchat 1.6.2 service rocketchat myns created
ant31/rocketchat 1.6.2 replicationcontroller rocketchat myns created
It deploys the package and its dependencies. The command can be executed multiple times, kpm detects changes in resource and apply only the modified ones.
The opposite action to deploy
is the remove
command. It performs a delete on all resources created by deploy
. It's possible to mark some resources as protected
resources are protected by default.
kpm remove ant31/rocketchat --namespace demo
package version type name namespace status
---------------- --------- --------------------- ---------- ----------- ---------
ant31/mongodb 1.0.0 namespace myns myns protected
ant31/mongodb 1.0.0 service mongodb myns deleted
ant31/mongodb 1.0.0 replicationcontroller mongodb myns deleted
ant31/rocketchat 1.6.2 namespace myns myns protected
ant31/rocketchat 1.6.2 service rocketchat myns deleted
ant31/rocketchat 1.6.2 replicationcontroller rocketchat myns deleted