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Jairo Llopis committed Sep 24, 2020
1 parent de95399 commit 4e1430e
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Showing 7 changed files with 381 additions and 219 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions .pre-commit-config.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,12 @@ repos:
# hooks running from local virtual environment
- repo: local
- id: autoflake
name: autoflake
entry: poetry run autoflake
language: system
types: [python]
args: ["-i", "--remove-all-unused-imports", "--ignore-init-module-imports"]
- id: black
name: black
entry: poetry run black
Expand Down
56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions copier/config/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,58 @@
__all__ = ("make_config",)

# def build_question(
# question: str,
# type_name: str,
# type_fn: Callable,
# secret: bool = False,
# placeholder: OptStr = None,
# default: Any = None,
# choices: Any = None,
# extra_help: OptStr = None,
# ) -> AnyByStrDict:
# """Build one question definition.

# Get the question from copier.yml and return a question definition in the
# format expected by PyInquirer.
# """
# # Generate message to ask the user
# emoji = "🕵️" if secret else "🎤"
# lexer_map = {"json": JsonLexer, "yaml": YamlLexer}
# lexer = lexer_map.get(type_name)
# question_type = "input"
# if type_name == "bool":
# question_type = "confirm"
# elif choices:
# question_type = "list"
# elif secret:
# question_type = "password"
# # Hints for the multiline input user
# multiline = lexer is not None
# # Convert default to string
# to_str_map: Dict[str, Callable[[Any], str]] = {
# "json": lambda obj: json.dumps(obj, indent=2),
# "yaml": to_nice_yaml,
# }
# to_str_fn = to_str_map.get(type_name, str)
# # Allow placeholder YAML comments
# default_str = to_str_fn(default)
# question_dict = {
# "type": question_type,
# "name": question,
# "message": extra_help,
# "default": default_str,
# # "lexer": lexer and PygmentsLexer(lexer),
# "mouse_support": True,
# "multiline": multiline,
# "validator": Validator.from_callable(abstract_validator(type_fn)),
# "qmark": emoji,
# }
# if choices:
# question_dict["choices"] = choices
# return prompt([question_dict])

def filter_config(data: AnyByStrDict) -> Tuple[AnyByStrDict, AnyByStrDict]:
"""Separates config and questions data."""
conf_data: AnyByStrDict = {"secret_questions": set()}
Expand All @@ -47,6 +99,10 @@ def verify_minimum_version(version_str: str) -> None:
# so instead we do a lazy import here
from .. import __version__

# Disable check when running copier as editable installation
if __version__ == "0.0.0":

if version.parse(__version__) < version.parse(version_str):
raise UserMessageError(
f"This template requires Copier version >= {version_str}, "
Expand Down
240 changes: 235 additions & 5 deletions copier/config/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,34 @@
"""Pydantic models, exceptions and default values."""

import datetime
import json
from collections import ChainMap
from contextlib import suppress
from copy import deepcopy
from hashlib import sha512
from os import urandom
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, ChainMap as t_ChainMap, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from typing import (
ChainMap as t_ChainMap,

from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra, StrictBool, validator
from jinja2 import UndefinedError
from jinja2.sandbox import SandboxedEnvironment
from prompt_toolkit.lexers import PygmentsLexer
from prompt_toolkit.validation import Validator
from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra, Field, StrictBool, validator
from import JsonLexer, YamlLexer
from PyInquirer.prompt import prompt

from import cast_answer_type, force_str_end, parse_yaml_string
from ..types import AnyByStrDict, OptStr, PathSeq, StrOrPathSeq, StrSeq

# Default list of files in the template to exclude from the rendered project
Expand All @@ -31,12 +50,19 @@


TYPE_COPIER2PYTHON: Dict[str, Callable] = {
"bool": bool,
"float": float,
"int": int,
"json": json.loads,
"str": str,
"yaml": parse_yaml_string,

class UserMessageError(Exception):
"""Exit the program giving a message to the user."""


class NoSrcPathError(UserMessageError):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,3 +178,207 @@ def data(self) -> t_ChainMap[str, Any]:
class Config:
allow_mutation = False
anystr_strip_whitespace = True

class Question(BaseModel):
choices: Union[Dict[Any, Any], List[Any]] = Field(default_factory=list)
default: Any = None
help_text: str = ""
multiline: Optional[bool] = None
placeholder: str = ""
questionary: "Questionary"
secret: bool = False
type_name: str = ""
var_name: str
when: Union[str, bool] = True

class Config:
arbitrary_types_allowed = True

def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# Transform arguments that are named like python keywords
to_rename = (("help", "help_text"), ("type", "type_name"))
for from_, to in to_rename:
with suppress(KeyError):
kwargs.setdefault(to, kwargs.pop(from_))
# Infer type from default if missing

def __repr__(self):
return f"Question({self.var_name})"

def _check_var_name(cls, v):
raise ValueError("Invalid question name")
return v

@validator("type_name", always=True)
def _check_type_name(cls, v, values):
if v == "":
default_type_name = type(values.get("default")).__name__
v = default_type_name if default_type_name in TYPE_COPIER2PYTHON else "yaml"
raise ValueError("Invalid question type")
return v

def _iter_choices(self) -> Iterable[dict]:
choices = self.choices
if isinstance(self.choices, dict):
choices = list(self.choices.items())
for choice in choices:
# If a choice is a dict, it can be used raw
if isinstance(choice, dict):
yield choice
# However, a choice can also be a single value...
name = value = choice
# ... or a value pair
if isinstance(choice, (tuple, list)):
name, value = choice
# The name must always be a str
name = str(name)
yield {"name": name, "value": value}

def get_default(self) -> Union[str, bool]:
result = self.questionary.answers_forced.get(
self.var_name, self.questionary.answers_last[self.var_name]
except KeyError:
result = self.render_value(self.default)
result = cast_answer_type(result, self.get_type_fn())
if self.type_name == "bool":
return bool(result)
if result is None:
return ""
return str(result)

def get_choices(self) -> List[AnyByStrDict]:
result = []
for choice in self._iter_choices():
formatted_choice = {
key: self.render_value(value) for key, value in choice.items()
return result

def get_filter(self, answer) -> Any:
return cast_answer_type(answer, self.get_type_fn())

def get_message(self) -> str:
message = ""
if self.help_text:
rendered_help = self.render_value(self.help_text)
message = force_str_end(rendered_help)
message += f"{self.var_name}? Format: {self.type_name}"
return message

def get_placeholder(self) -> str:
return self.render_value(self.placeholder)

def get_pyinquirer_structure(self):
lexer = None
result = {
"default": self.get_default(),
"filter": self.get_filter,
"message": self.get_message(),
"mouse_support": True,
"name": self.var_name,
"qmark": "🕵️" if self.secret else "🎤",
"validator": Validator.from_callable(self.get_validator),
"when": self.get_when,
multiline = self.multiline
pyinquirer_type = "input"
if self.type_name == "bool":
pyinquirer_type = "confirm"
if self.choices:
pyinquirer_type = "list"
result["choices"] = self.get_choices()
if pyinquirer_type == "input":
if self.secret:
pyinquirer_type = "password"
elif self.type_name == "yaml":
lexer = PygmentsLexer(YamlLexer)
elif self.type_name == "json":
lexer = PygmentsLexer(JsonLexer)
placeholder = self.get_placeholder()
if placeholder:
result["placeholder"] = placeholder
multiline = multiline or (
multiline is None and self.type_name in {"yaml", "json"}
result.update({"type": pyinquirer_type, "lexer": lexer, "multiline": multiline})
from pprint import pprint

return result

def get_type_fn(self) -> Callable:
return TYPE_COPIER2PYTHON.get(self.type_name, parse_yaml_string)

def get_validator(self, document) -> bool:
type_fn = self.get_type_fn()
return True
except Exception:
return False

def get_when(self, answers) -> bool:
if (
# Skip on --force
not self.questionary.ask_user
# Skip on --data=this_question=some_answer
or self.var_name in self.questionary.answers_forced
return False
when = self.when
when = self.render_value(when)
when = cast_answer_type(when, parse_yaml_string)
return bool(when)

def render_value(self, value: Any) -> str:
"""Render a single templated value using Jinja.
If the value cannot be used as a template, it will be returned as is.
template = self.questionary.env.from_string(value)
except TypeError:
# value was not a string
return value
return template.render(**self.questionary.get_best_answers())
except UndefinedError as error:
raise UserMessageError(str(error)) from error

class Questionary(BaseModel):
answers_forced: AnyByStrDict = Field(default_factory=dict)
answers_last: AnyByStrDict = Field(default_factory=dict)
answers_user: AnyByStrDict = Field(default_factory=dict)
ask_user: bool = True
env: SandboxedEnvironment
questions: List[Question] = Field(default_factory=list)

class Config:
arbitrary_types_allowed = True

def __init__(self, **kwargs):

def get_best_answers(self) -> t_ChainMap[str, Any]:
return ChainMap(self.answers_user, self.answers_last, self.answers_forced)

def get_answers(self) -> AnyByStrDict:
return prompt(
(question.get_pyinquirer_structure() for question in self.questions),


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