Simple Ansible tower to run playbooks via ansible-playbook
+ export prometheus metrics about success.
Playbook(s) will be run on host(s) and then the output parsed to generated statistics
Log example:
[2021-03-09 15:59:36,239] DEBUG: Starting /usr/local/bin/ansible-shed (
[2021-03-09 15:59:36,239] DEBUG: Using selector: EpollSelector (
[2021-03-09 15:59:36,241] DEBUG: Prometheus metrics server starting on :::12345/metrics (
[2021-03-09 15:59:36,243] INFO: Rebasing /tmp/ansible_shed/repo from [email protected]:cooperlees/clc_ansible.git (
[2021-03-09 15:59:36,246] DEBUG: Prometheus metrics server started on http://[::]:12345/metrics (
[2021-03-09 15:59:36,246] INFO: Serving prometheus metrics on: http://[::]:12345/metrics (
Already up to date.
Current branch master is up to date.
[2021-03-09 15:59:37,480] INFO: Running ansible-playbook: '/home/cooper/venvs/a/bin/ansible-playbook --inventory hosts site.yaml --limit --tags chrony --skip-tags php_static_files,zfs' (
[2021-03-09 15:59:38,906] DEBUG: negotiating {'*/*'} resulted in choosing TextFormatter (
[2021-03-09 15:59:38,908] INFO: ::1 [09/Mar/2021:15:59:38 +0000] "GET /metrics HTTP/1.1" 200 1128 "-" "curl/7.68.0" (
[2021-03-09 15:59:53,651] INFO: Finished running ansible in 16s (
[2021-03-09 15:59:53,651] INFO: Parsing ansible run output to update stats (
[2021-03-09 15:59:53,652] DEBUG: Host Results: - ok=7 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=1 rescued=0 ignored=0 (
[2021-03-09 15:59:53,652] DEBUG: Updating prometheus stats due to event being set (
[2021-03-09 15:59:53,652] INFO: Updated 10 metrics (
[2021-03-09 15:59:53,652] INFO: Finished ansible run in 17s. Sleeping for 43s (
[2021-03-09 15:59:53,652] DEBUG: Stats:
"ansible_last_run_returncode": 0,
"ansible_last_run_time": 16,
"ansible_stats_last_updated": 1615305593,
"host_home2.cooperlees.com_changed": 0,
"host_home2.cooperlees.com_failed": 0,
"host_home2.cooperlees.com_ignored": 0,
"host_home2.cooperlees.com_ok": 7,
"host_home2.cooperlees.com_rescued": 0,
"host_home2.cooperlees.com_skipped": 1,
"host_home2.cooperlees.com_unreachable": 0
} (
[2021-03-09 15:59:57,045] DEBUG: negotiating {'*/*'} resulted in choosing TextFormatter (
[2021-03-09 15:59:57,047] INFO: ::1 [09/Mar/2021:15:59:57 +0000] "GET /metrics HTTP/1.1" 200 1577 "-" "curl/7.68.0" (
Metrics Example:
# HELP ansible_changed Number of 'changed' plays
# TYPE ansible_changed gauge
# HELP ansible_failed Number of failed plays on hosts
# TYPE ansible_failed gauge
ansible_failed{hostname=""} 0
# HELP ansible_ignored Number of ignored plays on hosts
# TYPE ansible_ignored gauge
ansible_ignored{hostname=""} 0
# HELP ansible_last_run_returncode UNIX return code of the ansible-playbook process
# TYPE ansible_last_run_returncode gauge
ansible_last_run_returncode 0
# HELP ansible_last_run_time Time in seconds it took the ansible-playbook process to execute
# TYPE ansible_last_run_time gauge
ansible_last_run_time 17
# HELP ansible_ok Number of 'ok' (no change) plays
# TYPE ansible_ok gauge
ansible_ok{hostname=""} 7
# HELP ansible_rescued Number of rescued plays on hosts
# TYPE ansible_rescued gauge
ansible_rescued{hostname=""} 0
# HELP ansible_skipped Number of skipped plays on hosts
# TYPE ansible_skipped gauge
ansible_skipped{hostname=""} 1
# HELP ansible_stats_last_updated UNIX timestamp of last time we updated the stats
# TYPE ansible_stats_last_updated gauge
ansible_stats_last_updated 1615305655
# HELP ansible_unreachable Number of inaccessible hosts
# TYPE ansible_unreachable gauge
ansible_unreachable{hostname=""} 0
- Avaliable http://IP:PORT/metrics
- All aioprometheus powered
- Available here:
We're not on PyPI as I don't feel the need (if we get popular that's easy to fix).
pip install git+
or if you want ansible
tools installed into the same Python environment use our ansible extra install:
pip install git+[ansible]
Today I only run it by systemd cause it makes SSH auth easier. Would happily take a Dockerfile PR.
(TODO: Full config file docs - PR welcome)
We have a simple ini file to point @ your ansbile-playbook
binary and arguments.
If not specified, ansible_shed defaults to look for /etc/ansible_shed.ini
- We have an example config here: ansible_shed.ini
Config Settings:
: Minutes betweenansible-playbook
: Upper max of time to wait before firstansible-playbook
run after starting the service - Code generates a random int from 0 to this upper max.port
: Statistics listening port + interval
can be compiled with mypyc. The code is strictly typed and that allows for it to be converted to C and compiled.
To enable, set a environment variable asking for a mypyc build
Only tested on Linux
export MYPYC_BUILD=1
pip install -U pip mypy setuptools wheel
pip install ansible_shed