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246 lines (207 loc) · 17.2 KB

File metadata and controls

246 lines (207 loc) · 17.2 KB

Release Notes

  • Fixed crashing bug in MaterialLabelRenderer in iOS.
  • Fixed return button not showing in iOS keyboard when MaterialTextField input type is set to Phone or Numeric. (pulled out, not available in NuGet due to a crashing bug)
  • Added Completed event in MaterialTextField. A feature enhancement stated in this issue.
  • Added a return button when a numeric keyboard is presented using MaterialTextField in iOS. A feature enhancement stated in this issue.
  • Fixed a bug in iOS where the MaterialButton ripple layer is shorter when the Text property changes.
  • Fixed a bug in iOS where the MaterialLabel text alignment is not preserved when the font properties change.
  • Fixed issue 109.
  • Fixed issue 109.
  • Fixed issue 116.
  • Fixed issue 119.
  • You can now change the text of the loading dialog and loading snackbar when using IMaterialDialog.LoadingDialogAsync and IMaterialDialog.LoadingSnackbarAsync.
  • Fixed issue 105.
  • Fixed issue 106.
  • Fixed MaterialTextField not firing Focused event.
  • Added new event Unfocused, property IsMaxLengthCounterVisible, and method Unfocus to MaterialTextField.
  • Updated MaterialTextField:
    • Can be attached with properties from MaterialConfirmationDialog to customize confirmation dialog appearance. A feature request from issue 86.
    • Added TextFontSize, FloatingPlaceholderFontSize, and FloatingPlaceholderColor.
    • Added IsAutoCapitalizationEnabled property.
    • Added ShouldAnimateUnderline property that can be used to determine whether to animate the underline indicator or not. Setting this to false will not show any underline when activated or fouces. A feature request from issue 92.
    • The TintColor will be applied to the underline and floating placeholder only when the text field is focused.
    • Renamed Icon to LeadingIcon, IconTintColor to LeadingIconTintColor. This is to differentiate from the trailing icon, which will be a future enhancement.
  • Added Margin property to Material dialog configuration classes. A feature request from issue 91.
  • Fixed issue 84.
  • Fixed issue 87.
  • Fixed issue 88.
  • Fixed issue 89.
  • Fixed issue 97.
  • Fixed issue 98.
  • Fixed MaterialTextField animating when the text changes even if there is a current text value is not null or empty.
  • Fixed MaterialButton not showing border when ButtonType is MaterialButtonType.Outlined.
  • Fixed issue 74.
  • Fixed crashing in iOS renderers which is caused by null native controls.
  • Fixed MaterialTextField ReturnCommandParameter property always null.
  • Refactored modal dialogs.
  • Fixed issue 67.
  • Fixed issue 68.
  • Fixed issue 69.
  • Optimized icon resources in XF.Material.iOS.
  • Added new controls: MaterialSwitch and MaterialLabel.
  • Added Elevation property to MaterialButton and MaterialIconButton. You can now set dynamic elevation when the button is resting or was pressed by using MaterialElevation.
  • MaterialCard can now responds to touch input when it is set as clickable. Added IsClickable, ClickCommand, and ClickCommandParameter properties. Added Clicked event. A feature enhancement found in this issue.
  • MaterialTextField now accepts an IList of objects as choices when the InputType is set to MaterialTextFieldInputType.Choice. Added ChoicesBindingName that determines the value of the property with that name of each object to display. You can still set the Choices property to use a collection of strings. This is a feature enhancement found in this issue.
  • Added new properties IsSpellCheckEnabled and IsTextPredictionEnabled to MaterialTextField. This is a feature enhancement found in this issue.
  • Re-added Icon and IconTintColor properties to MaterialTextField. This is a feature enhancement found in this issue.
  • You can now show an alert dialog with a custom content using MaterialDialog.Instance.ShowCustomContentAsync(). This is a feature enhancement found in this issue.
  • Added maximum width of modal dialogs when running on different device idioms, or when changing screen orientation.
  • Used BindableLayout instead of ListView when rendering MaterialRadioButtonGroup, MaterialCheckboxGroup, and MaterialMenuDialog.
  • Removed typography dynamic resources. You can now set the specific type scale using MaterialLabel.
  • Removed MaterialTypeScaleEffect.
  • Updated Android target framework version to 9.0.
  • Updated other dependencies to latest.
  • Fixed issue 35.
  • Fixed issue 38.
  • Fixed issue 53.
  • Fixed issue 58.
  • Fixed issue 50.
  • Removed previous version, wrong commit.
  • Fixed a misalignment in MaterialTextfield. Re-adjusted helper & counter texts' top margins from 2 to 4.
  • Fixed a bug where modal dialogs that are awaiting user input do not respond to back button event on Android.
  • Fixed issue 44.
  • Changed IMaterialDialog.ConfirmAsync. It now returns a nullable bool. Removed the other overload method.
  • Removed IMaterialDialog.Dismiss.
  • Fixed issue 45.
  • Fixed issue 36.
  • Fixed issue 37.
  • Fixed issue 34.
  • Added new method IMaterialDialog.DismissAsync().
  • Fixed MaterialCard showing original Frame shadow when BorderColor property was updated.
  • Fixed MaterialMenuButton showing inaccurate position.
  • Fixed issue 32.
  • Fixed issue 33.
  • Fixed an issue in MaterialButtonRenderer in iOS not updating the color of the button when the background color was changed.
  • Fixed a bug in MaterialButton where the border color is not updating when the ButtonType is Outlined.
  • Lowered the input field in MaterialTextField by 2.
  • Added MaterialIconButton and MaterialSlider.
  • Replaced MaterialMenu to MaterialMenuButton. The latter inherits from MaterialIconButton.
  • Added new properties PressedBackgroundColor and DisabledBackgroundColor to Material buttons.
  • Refactored MaterialButtonRenderer in iOS. Instead of adding negative margin to shrink the view, it now changes the UIView.Layer.Frame property by decreasing the width and height by 12.
  • Refactored MaterialTextField:
    • Added new input type Choice, along with a new property Choices. When the text field is clicked, shows a confirmation dialog from which the user will choose one from a list of choices.
    • Added new property HasHorizontalPadding. When set to true, removes the left and right padding of the text field.
    • FloatingPlaceholderEnabled property, when set to true, reduces the height of the text field from 72 to 56.
  • Adjusted the bounds some of modal dialogs.
  • Fixed an interaction bug in Android when using PopupPage from Rg.Plugins.Popup library.
  • Fixed issue 26.
  • Fixed issue 31.
  • Fixed issue 24.
  • Refactored IMaterialDialog.AlertAsync().
  • Fixed MaterialTextField overlaping parent layout's bounds in iOS.
  • Added a new booelan property FloatingPlaceholderEnabled to determine to animate the placeholder of the text field.
  • Fixed MaterialTextField overlaping parent layout's bounds in iOS.
  • Fixed MaterialButton causing a crash in Android devices running Android 4.4 or later.
  • MaterialRadioButton constructor access modifier changed to public.
  • Added maximum width for modal dialogs. This ensures that modals don't fill the entire screen when shown.
    • On tablets, dialogs has a maximum width of 560.
    • On phones, dialogs has a maximum width of 280.
    • Snackbars has a maximum width of 344.
  • Upgraded to use Xamarin.Forms version 3.3.
  • Added IMaterialDialog.InputAsync, which shows a dialog that allows the user to input text. A feature enhancement stated in this issue.
  • Added MaterialMenu control, a view container that will show a menu that allows the user to select a choice.
  • Reworked MaterialNavigatioPage.
    • Added an attached property AppBarColor. It can be attached to Pages to change the NavigationPage.BarBackgroundColor property.
    • Added an attached property AppBarTitleTextAlignment. It can be attached to Pages to change the NavigationPage.Title text alignment.
    • Added an attached property AppBarTitleTextColor. It can be attached to Pages to change the NavigationPage.Title text color.
    • Added an attached property AppBarTitleTextFontFamily. It can be attached to Pages to change the NavigationPage.Title text font family.
    • Added an attached property AppBarTitleTextFontSize. It can be attached to Pages to change the NavigationPage.Title text font size.
    • Added an attached property StatusBarColor. It can be attached to Pages to change the status bar color.
    • Added an attached property HasShadow. It can be attached to Pages that will determine whether the app bar will draw a shadow.
    • Added overrideable methods OnPagePush and OnPagePop.
  • The status bar color will now be set automatically when MaterialNavigationPage is used. You can still use Material.PlatformConfiguration.SetStatusBarColor to manually change the status bar color.
  • Added BottomOffset property to MaterialSnackbarConfiguration that can be used to adjust the bottom margin of the Snackbar. A feature enhancement stated in this issue.
  • Fixed a bug where MaterialCheckboxGroup does not update the selected items when the property SelectedIndices has been changed.
  • Renamed XF.Material.Forms.Views to XF.Material.Forms.UI. Removed XF.Material.Forms.Dialog namespace, added dialogs to namespace XF.Material.Forms.UI.Dialogs.
  • Fixed a bug in Android causing MaterialButtonRenderer throwing a System.NullReferenceException when MaterialButton Image property is set. A bug reported in this issue.
  • Reworked MaterialRadioButtonGroup. Once a choice has been selected, you can no longer unselect a choice. A bug reported in this issue.
  • Changed the minimum and target MonoAndroid framework version to 8.1. Fixed also some inconsistencies in the referenced NuGet packages of the library. A bug reported in this issue.
  • Removed the font directory in the Resources folder in XF.Material.Droid.
  • Fixed a bug when calling XF.Material.Forms.Material.Init(Application app) causing System.NullException. A bug reported in this issue.
  • Fixed a bug when canceling a confirmation dialog shown using MaterialDialog.Instance.SelectChoicesAsync() not clearing the currently selected choices.
  • Fixed a bug in MaterialRadioButtonGroup and MaterialCheckboxGroup not updating SelectedIndex and SelectedIndices property, respectively.
  • Added parameters selectedIndex and selectedIndices to IMaterialDialog.SelectChoiceAsync and IMaterialDialog.SelectChoicesAsync. A feature enhancement as stated in this issue.
  • Fixed MaterialRadioButtonGroup and MaterialCheckboxGroup having an extra empty row.
  • Fixed MaterialButtonRenderer in iOS not responding to changes in MaterialButton.AllCaps property.
  • Added selection controls: MaterialRadioButton, MaterialRadioButtonGroup, MaterialCheckbox, and MaterialCheckboxGroup.
  • Deprecated MaterialDialogs, you should use MaterialDialog.Instance for displaying modal dialogs.
  • Added simple dialog and confirmation dialog to MaterialDialog.
  • Added ReturnType, ReturnTypeCommand, and ReturnTypeCommandParameter properties to MaterialTextField. A feature enhancement stated in this issue.
  • Changed the default color values of MaterialColorConfiguration.
  • Fixed a bug in Android when using MaterialIcon, which causes all other views using the same resource image to change color when one of them was changed.
  • Fixed a bug in Android when using MaterialButton, which causes text button type not having a disabled text state.
  • Removed the back button title in iOS when using MaterialNavigationPage.
  • Removed ColorConfiguration and FontConfiguration in XF.Material.Forms.Material class. Added static subclasses Color and FontFamily with static properties that will hold the values of the current color and font configurations.
  • Refactored MaterialDialogs. A feature enhancement stated in this issue.
    • Added MaterialDialogs.ShowConfirmAsync(). Use this for user confirmation of action. Returns a boolean value based on what the user chose.
    • MaterialDialogs.ShowAlertAsync is now only used for user acknowledgement purposes.
    • The overload method of MaterialDialogs.ShowSnackbarAsync() that has an action now also returns a boolean value.
  • Changed the minimum Xamarin.Android.Support.* verion to to address this issue. This is the same minimum version that the latest Xamarin.Forms Nuget package accepts.
  • Changed the assembly and namespace name from XF.Material to XF.Material.Forms.
  • Added static properties ColorConfiguration and FontConfiguration to XF.Material.Forms.Material class.
  • Added NuGet Package icon.
  • Added MaterialAlertDialogConfiguration, MaterialLoadingConfiguration, and MaterialSnackbarConfiguration for styling modals created by MaterialDialogs.
  • Added MaterialConstants, a static class to provide constant key values of Material Resources.
  • Refactored methods in MaterialDialogs.
  • Fixed MaterialButton throwing exception on devices running Android 4.2.
  • Fixed MaterialTextField not showing error icon on iOS when the property HasError is set to true.
  • Fixed NuGet Package not including the features from version 1.0.3.
  • Updated to the latest Xamarin.Forms.
  • Added MaterialTextField and MaterialIcon.
  • Added type scale fonts in MaterialFontConfiguration.
  • Fixed some rendering bugs.
  • Added a FontAttribute.Bold DynamicResource value to MaterialButton.
  • Removed Padding values in MaterialChip.
  • Pages pushed in MaterialNavigationPage will have a default BackgroundColor value equal to the MaterialColorConfiguration.Background, unless the BackgroundColor property is set in the page.
  • Initial release.