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Example Heroku add-on built with Rails

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Sudo Sandwich is an example Heroku Add-on

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Example Heroku add-on for the v3 of the Platform API for Partners built with Ruby on Rails.

This add-on is meant to demonstrate integrations. Integrations can be written in any language or framework. We don't officially support this beyond that it's an example of how an add-on might be built.

This add-on was built following instructions found at

See Set up for information on how to set up and run the code for this application.

To install this add-on to an existing Heroku app, run the following:

heroku addons:create sudo-sandwich

To test the app yourself, you can use this button:


Set up


Install Homebrew.

Install Heroku CLI.

brew install heroku/brew/heroku

Install and start PostgreSQL.

brew install postgresql
brew services start postgresql

Ruby on Rails

This application is built using Ruby on Rails.

Your system will require Ruby to develop on the application.

The required Ruby version is listed in the .ruby-version file.

If you do not have this binary, use this guide to get set up on MacOS.

Configuring the Application

After cloning this repo, run: bin/setup.

Day-to-day Development

Local Server

Add-on manifest

Heroku docs

Related code

The manifest is not checked into version control because it contains secrets. A copy of the manifest with fake keys is located at addon-manifest-example.json. Although it is not checked into version control, it is helpful to know that the real manifest is named addon-manifest.json and will be called "the manifest" from this point forward.

Basic auth

Heroku docs

Related code

Basic auth is implemented via the HttpBasicAuth concern. This concern is included in ApplicationController, which all other controllers inherit from, because the Platform API for Partners sends basic auth credentials with all requests.

The username and password for basic auth are accessed via environment variables whose values match the slug and password fields in the manifest.

Basic auth is selectively skipped for the single sign-on views, which are accessed by Heroku customers who use an add-on resource rather than the Platform API for Partners.

The provisioning request

Heroku docs

Related code

The Sudo Sandwich add-on can be provisioned synchronously or asynchronously depending on the plan that is selected. This somewhat artificial plan slug distinction is just to demonstrate the process of provisioning plans asynchronously and synchronously.

For both types of provisioning, the base_url key in the add-on manifest specifies a path of /heroku/resources. A POST to this path is routed to the Heroku::ResourcesController #create method in this codebase. This is the endpoint that Heroku hits when a customer creates an add-on resource.

Synchronous provisioning

The controller looks for the plan param, and if it matches Sandwich::BASE_PLAN (currently test), we return:

  • A status code of 200,
  • An example config var that's included in an app's environment, and
  • A message that's displayed to customers telling them the add-on is immediately available.

The 200 status code tells Heroku that the add-on resource has been provisioned and that the config variables returned should be set on a release for all apps associated with the resource. It also sets the internal state of the add-on to provisioned, which is represented to customers as created.

Asynchronous provisioning

For all other plans, we return:

  • A status code of 202, and
  • A message telling the customer that the add-on is being provisioned and will be available shortly.

A 202 status tells Heroku that the add-on is being provisioned asynchronously and sets its state internally to provisioning, which is represented to customers as creating.

We DO NOT return a config variable, as it's expected you don't know it until your add-on resource is fully created in your infrastructure.

The sudo-sandwich add-on enqueues additional background jobs that mimic how async provisioning might work for plans that take a longer time to initialize.

For plans that are being provisioned asynchronously, an access_token is required to complete the provisioning process as an add-on partner. Retrieving an access_token is covered in the "Grant code exchange" section.

Once the access_token is available, a plan is marked as provisioned by running the ProvisionPlanJob.

This background job calls AsyncPlanProvisioner, which:

A release is cut for all apps associated with an add-on resource once the PATCH request is sent to update config variables. You should be sure to mark the resource as provisioned too, add-on resources stuck in provisioning are deprovisioned after around 12 hours.

Both endpoints use the heroku_uuid value to uniquely identify an add-on resource.

To make testing some provisioning scenarios easier, you can disable setting a provisioning add-on to provisioned via the SKIP_ASYNC_FINALIZATION env var. If you set SKIP_ASYNC_FINALIZATION to any value, we won't enqueue the ProvisionPlanJob, which finalizes async provisioning. This will leave async add-on installations in a provisioning state, allowing you to experiment and test platform behavior more easily.

Remember that add-ons in the provisioning state will be deprovisioned automatically by the Heroku platform after around 12 hours.

Grant code exchange

Heroku docs

Related code

When the provisioning request comes in to this app at the /heroku/resources endpoint, Heroku sends an OAuth Grant Code in the request. The OAuth Grant Code is used to obtain a refresh_token and access_token for the add-on resource being provisioned. The process by which those are obtained is called the "grant code exchange".

Obtaining a refresh_token and access_token is advised whether they are going to be used immediately or not. For example, if an add-on ever needs to rotate credentials, an access_token would be required to update the config for the add-on resource.

This application saves the OAuth Grant Code on the Sandwich record when it is created in the Heroku::ResourcesController create method. Because the OAuth Grant Code expires after five minutes, the controller immediately enqueues the ExchangeGrantTokenJob with the sandwich_id. That job calls the GrantCodeExchanger service class, which sends a POST request to with the grant code. The Platform API for Partners responds with the refresh_token and access_token. An example of this response is included in the fixtures.

GrantCodeExchanger saves the access_token, refresh_token, and an expiration timestamp for the access_token on the Sandwich record. The access_token and refresh_token are encrypted at rest using the attr_encrypted gem. Once the access_token is expired, a new one can be obtained using the refresh_token.

In the Sudo Sandwich app, we use the access_token for async provisioning. The access_token is also required for accessing other endpoints in the Platform API for Partners. Those endpoints are not accessed in Sudo Sandwich but you can learn more about them by reading the Platform API for Partners documentation.

The deprovisioning request

Heroku docs

Related code

Deprovisioning happens via the Heroku::ResourcesController #destroy method. The controller deletes the Sandwich record that corresponds with the heroku_uuid sent with the request and returns a status of 204 to indicate that the request was successfully received and processed.

The plan change request

Heroku docs

Related code

Plan changes happen via the Heroku::ResourcesController #update method. The controller updates the plan of the Sandwich record that corresponds with the heroku_uuid so that the plan matches the plan param sent with the request.

Single sign on dashboard

Heroku docs

Related code

The Sudo Sandwich single sign on (SSO) endpoint is indicated via the sso_url key in the manifest as /sso/login. That path is routed to the Sso::LoginsController #create method. The controller calls the ResourceTokenCreator service class, which creates a resource_token using the resource_uuid and timestamp sent with the request as well as the salt, which comes from the addon-manifest.json file. The formula for creating the resource_token is discussed in depth in the docs.

The controller compares the generated resource_token with the resource_token sent with the request. If they match, a session variable is set and the user is redirected to the Heroku::DashboardController#show action. In this view, the end user can see information about their add-on resource. This is where you'd build your add-on resource dashboard.

Usage reporting

This is a feature that is under active development (pre-alpha).

The ReportUsageJob calls the UsageReporter service class, which sends usage data to The data is sent to the /api/v3/addons/#{slug}/usage_batches endpoint in the add-ons staging instance. Basic authentication credentials are sent via the headers. The username and password must match the Manifest credentials for the Addon for which usage data is being reported. See the docs for more info on basic auth.

In order to test this against staging, the following data must first exist in

  • An Addon with a slug that matches the slug sent in the /api/v3/addons/#{slug}/usage_batches endpoint (currently hard-coded to sudo-sandwich in the service class).
  • A Plan record that belongs to the Addon and has the usage attribute set to true.
  • A Unit record belongs to the Addon.
  • A Pricing record for the Plan and Unit above. The Pricing must have an effective_at datetime attribute that is older than the beginning of the previous hour.
  • An AddonResource for the Addon.
  • An AddonResourcePlan for the AddonResource and Plan. Must have an effective_at datetime attribute that is older than the beginning of the previous hour.

In order to test this against staging, the following data must first exist in the Sudo Sandwich database from which you are testing:

  • A Sandwich record the a heroku_uuid attribute that matches the AddonResource#uuid above.
  • A Usage record that belongs to the Sandwich record, and a timestamp that is equal to the hour boundary of the previous hour (in Ruby, - 1.hour), and a unit attribute that is equal to the Unit#name above.

The JSON body sent with the request to the usage endpoint contains a timestamp and an array of usages. The timestamp, which represents the datetime that the usage data s being reporting for, must be in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format and must be hour boundary of previous hour (cannot be for further in past or for future).

The usages array contains usage records. Each record must contain the quantity, uuid of the associated AddonResource, and Unit#name. The JSON is formatted as follows:

 "timestamp": "2018-07-11T03:00:00Z"
  "usages": [
      "quantity": 5,
      "resource": {"id": "addon-resource-uuid"},
      "unit": {"name": "nibbles"},

Each JSON object in the usages array must be unique the that timestamp, resource, and unit tuple. Duplicates will be rejected.

After running the job, you will know if a Usage was reported properly if the reported attribute is set to true (defaults to false). If it is false, the errors attribute of the Usage record should explain why it was not reported properly.

NOTE: the current implementation does not handle all edge cases at this time. If you send invalid data, it is possible for it to silently fail.

How to fork this add-on to create your own Sudo Sandwich instance on Heroku

If you want to run your own add-on based on this codebase, you should follow these instructions. These instructions are for deploying your add-on to Heroku, which is not required. You may have to modify the deploy instructions for other environments.

To start, you may wish to fork the codebase to your own private GitHub repo, so that you can make changes for your specific add-on's use case. If you intend to do local development, see Set up.

Create a Heroku app. Typically, we name the Heroku app after the slug (or command line identifier) for the add-on. If I was creating an add-on with the slug of sudo-sandwich, I'd probably name the Heroku app sudo-sandwich as well. This is not required; and you can name it whatever you'd like. Please note that sudo-sandwich is already taken, and slugs are both immutable and must be globally unique!

Install the Heroku CLI, if you haven't already, from the instructions for your platform.

heroku apps:create your-app-slug

You'll need a Heroku Postgresql database to store data in:

heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql --app your-app-slug

Deploy the code to Heroku either using git or the Heroku Dashboard with the GitHub integration. (Under the application, Deploy tab >> Manual Deploy)

You will also want to scale the worker dyno up so that async provisioning can be handled in the background:

heroku ps:scale worker=1 --app your-app-slug

Generate a manifest with the addons-admin CLI plugin. (See the linked repo for plugin install instructions.) After install, run heroku addons:admin:manifest:generate and follow the prompts.

Allow the addons-admin CLI plugin to generate a secret and SSO salt for you. It will save a new file called addon-manifest.json. Edit the addon-manifest.json to change the "api.production.base_url" and "api.production.sso_url" keys to point at your Heroku app. This might look like:

    "production": {
      "sso_url": "",
      "base_url": ""

You may also need to edit this file to suit your local dev environment's port, inside the "api.test.sso_url" and "api.test.base_url" keys. For more details on editing this file, see the Manifest docs.

Set secrets from the addon-manifest.json on your newly-created app under the following config vars:

heroku config:set SLUG=<slug-from-manifest> PASSWORD=<password-from-manifest> SSO_SALT=<salt-from-manifest> --app your-app-slug

You'll need to generate an encryption key for the database to store secrets with. In a Ruby terminal (pry or irb), run require 'securerandom'; SecureRandom.hex(32) to generate an encryption key of the appropriate length. Then set that key on the Heroku app:

heroku config:set ENCRYPTION_KEY=<value-from-securerandom> --app your-app-slug

You'll also need to set the encryption key for local development. Make sure you've run bin/setup and edit .env's ENCRYPTION_KEY field.

Once you've completed the above, you should be ready to push the manifest to the Heroku API. First, make sure that you've signed up at the Partner Portal as an Add-on Partner. Then push your manifest up to the server:

heroku addons:admin:manifest:push

You will need to go to the Partner Portal and add plans to your add-on based on the hardcoded values in the Sandwich class. You may wish to modify these and deploy the changes, for example, to create a plan called async for testing async provisioning.

The Building an Add-on guide and Manifest docs have more info on developing an add-on, and the implementation of each feature in Sudo Sandwich can be see above in this document.

Staging add-on

Often, you'll want an add-on instance to test changes on. We call this the 'staging add-on' unofficially, and it still runs in a 'production' environment on Heroku. Typically, you create another add-on based on instructions above, but with -staging appended to the slug. We keep back this add-on in alpha, which keeps it hidden. As the add-on partner, you can provision this add-on while customers cannot, which gives you a way to test changes to your add-on before deploying them to the real, production add-on slug.

For more best practices, see the Add-on Partner Technical Best Practices guide.


Example Heroku add-on built with Rails






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