The payment method is a data that can be useful to understand the means by which payments associated with a contract are received. In Mexico, from INAI we have this information in our system and its publication is mandatory according to our Freedom to Information Act.
Add a new field named “paymentMethod” to the transaction object.
- Transaction {object}
- paymentMethod (string) (codelist)
The code list will be open and must be defined by:
- Cash
- Check
- Wire transfer
- Corporate card
- Letter of credit
Code | Title | Description |
paymentMethod | Payment method | The payment method used to make the transaction. The values of the paymentMethod codelist must be used. |
cash | Cash | The payment associated with this contract was made through cash. |
check | Check | The payment associated with this contract was made by check. |
wireTransfer | Wire transfer | The payment associated with this contract was made through a bank transfer. |
corporateCard | Corporate card | The payment associated with this contract was made through a corporate credit card. Usually used to purchasing items directly for goods and services in the course of operations. |
letterOfCredit | Letter of credit | The payment associated with this contract was made through a letter of credit. Letters of credit are used to guarantee that a supplier will receive a specified amount of money within a specified time providing strict terms. |
Report issues for this extension in the standard repository of the Open Contracting Partnership.