AASP is a GRPC service for provisioning secrets into confidential containers running inside a trusted execution environment (TEE). It also provides attestation related APIs through GRPC.
A secret could be a symmetric/asymmetric key for decrypting/communicating sensitive data, or the sensitive data themselves. When the sensitive data size is large, it's recommended to encrypt the data with a randomly generated symmetric key, and protect the key with AASP.
Currently AASP depends on Microsoft Azure Attestation service (MAA) and Azure Managed HSM (MHSM) for secret provisioning. As such, MAA and MHSM are included in the TCB for secret provisioning. If users prefer a smaller TCB or customized attestation service and/or Key Management System (KMS), they should rely on the attestation API of AASP solely.
Currently AASP works on AMD processors with SEV-SNP enabled and a Linux kernel that is SEV-SNP enlightened.
Use buildall.sh
to build the AASP
tool and container.
The example provides an end-to-end workflow on how to protect a secret with the tool and how to provision the secret in a container running alongside the AASP container in a Kubernetes pod that is VM-isolated based on Kata containers.
This project heavily relies on Confidential Sidecar Containers for their implementation of Secure Key Release (SKR)
AASP conforms to the keyprovider protocol of ocicrypt and Kata Attestation Agent
This project is released under the MIT License.
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