T.O.S.S., or This One Study Shows, aims to address a very specific trend in society: stubbornness in beliefs. Often times in an argument or debate, people will bring up a single source (academic or otherwise) that supports their point, and disregard any context or possible other points of view.
T.O.S.S. aims to change that by exposing users to unique and different viewpoints through an easy to use webapp. It does this by allowing users to respond to a number of predetermined or user-submitted controversial and/or thought-provoking topics or prompts, giving their full opinion and beliefs. It then shows a user the responses made by other users, and prioritizes showing responses from those whose values differ most radically.
Since this project will hold both the client application and the server application there will be node modules in two different places. First run npm install
from the root. After this you will run npm run-script install-all
from the root.
If attempting to run the web app locally, the user must ensure that the config files are availible in the file structure and also that the correct config.DOMAIN.name is selected. There are two options for these which include the localhost and the heroku url
This app is also deployed to heroku via the url https://toss-cen.herokuapp.com/
Runs both the client app and the server app in development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view the client in the browser.
Runs just the client app in development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view the client in the browser.
Runs just the server in development mode.
Builds the app for production to the build
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
If deploying to heroku this does not need to be run since it is handled by the heroku-postbuild script