Template repository for Golang projects.
You will need to install the following tools to successfully run the make targets:
go install github.com/fzipp/gocyclo/cmd/gocyclo@latest
go install github.com/uudashr/gocognit/cmd/gocognit@latest
go install honnef.co/go/tools/cmd/staticcheck@latest
go install github.com/go-critic/go-critic/cmd/gocritic@latest
make build
, builds the project.make complexity
, perform complexity scans on the codebase.make coverage
, create and displays the code coverage report in HTML.make help
, displays all the available options.make lint
, performs linting actions on the codebase.make test
, runs all the unit tests.
Because we enabled signing you need to supply a GPG_FINGERPRINT
environment variable. You will be prompted for a passphrase.
GPG_FINGERPRINT=C490C64E6938FD0C goreleaser release --snapshot --clean
Afterward, you can validate the signature using the following command:
gpg --verify [Signature] [File]
This project is free and open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.