This assignment implements a compiler for the Egg-eater language, a small language with functions, numbers, booleans, and tuples. The name egg-eater comes from the fact that tuple syntax with parentheses looks a little bit like an egg, as long as you don't think about it too much.
Egg-eater starts with the same semantics as Diamondback, and adds support for tuples.
The main addition in Egg-eater is tuple expressions, along with an accessor
expression for getting the contents of tuples, and a unary primitive for
checking if a value is a tuple. Tuple expressions are a series of two or
more comma-separated expressions enclosed in parentheses. A tuple access
expression is an expression, followed by another expression enclosed in square
brakcets. Finally, istuple
is a primitive, like isnum
and isbool
checks for tuple-ness.
expr :=
[ the same expressions as Diamondback ]
| (<expr>, <expr>, <expr>, ...)
| <expr>[<expr>]
| istuple(<expr>)
For example:
let x = (3, 4, 5) in
uses a tuple expression in the let binding, and has a tuple access as the body.
In the expr
datatype, these are represented as:
type expr =
| ETuple of expr list
| EGetItem of expr * expr
type prim1 =
| IsTuple
In ANF syntax, these expressions are represented as cexpr
s, with immexpr
type cexpr =
| CTuple of immexpr list
| CGetItem of immexpr * immexpr
Tuples expressions should evaluate their sub-expressions in order, and store the resulting values on the heap. The layout for a tuple on the heap is:
(4 bytes) (4 bytes) (4 bytes) (4 bytes)
| # elements | element_0 | element_1 | ... | element_n |
That is, one word is used to store the count of the number of elements in the tuple, and the subsequent words are used to store the values themselves.
A tuple value is stored in variables and registers as the address of the
first word in the tuple's memory, but with an additional 1
added to the value
to act as a tag. So, for example, if the start address of the above memory
were 0x0adadad0
, the tuple value would be 0x0adadad1
. With this change, we
extend the set of tag bits to the following:
- Numbers:
in least significant bit - Booleans:
in least three significant bits - Tuples:
in least three significant bits
Visualized differently, the value layout is:
0xWWWWWWW[www0] - Number
0xFFFFFFF[1111] - True
0x7FFFFFF[1111] - False
0xWWWWWWW[w001] - Tuple
Where W
is a "wildcard" nibble and w
is a "wildcard" bit.
In a tuple access expression, like
(6, 7, 8, 9)[1 + 2]
The behavior should be:
- Evaluate the expression in tuple position (before the brackets), then the index expression (the one inside the brackets).
- Check that the tuple position's value is actually a tuple, and signal an
error containing
"expected tuple"
if not. - Check that the index value is a number, and signal an error containing
"expected number"
if not. - Check that the index number is a valid index for the tuple value—that
is, it is between
and the stored number of elements in the tuple minus one. Signal an error containing"index too small"
or"index too large"
as appropriate. - Evaluate to the tuple element at the specified index.
You can do this with just EAX
, but it causes some minor pain. The register
has been added to the registers in
– feel free to
generate code that uses both EAX
and ECX
in this case (for example saving
the index in ECX
and using EAX
to store the address of the tuple). This
can save a number of instructions. Note that we will generate code that
doesn't need to use ECX
or EAX
beyond the extent of this one expression, so
there is no need to worry about saving or restoring the old value from ECX
You also may want to use an extended syntax for mov
in order to combine these
values for lookup. For example, this kind of arithmetic is allowed inside
mov eax, [eax + ecx * 4]
This would access the memory at the location of eax
, offset by the value of
ecx * 4
plus one. So if the value in ecx
were, say 2
, this may be part
of a scheme for accessing the first element of a tuple (there are other details
you should think through here; this is not a complete solution) Feel free to
add additional arg
types in
to support a broader range of
instructions, if it helps.
Neither ECX
nor anything beyond the typical RegOffset
is required to make
this work, but you may find it interesting to try different shapes of
generated instructions.
The register ESI
has been designated as the heap pointer. The provided
does a large malloc
call, and passes in the resulting address as an
argument to our_code_starts_here
. The support code provided fetches this
value (as a traditional argument), and stores it in ESI
. It also does a bit
of arithmetic to make sure that ESI
starts at an 8-byte boundary – that is,
the last three bits of ESI
are 000
. It is up to your code to ensure that:
- The value of
always ends in000
. This ensures that the beginning of each allocation happens at an 8-byte boundary, which means that we only need 29 bits of a 32-bit word in order to store addresses. The least significant bits are then fair game for the tag. - The value of
is always the address of the next block of free space (in increasing address order) in the provided block of memory.
The first point above means that for tuples that take up an odd amount of
4-byte words, ESI
needs to leave some "dead space" in order to align with an
8-byte boundary. For example, assume before an allocation ESI
is pointing at
address 0xada0:
ESI = 0xada0
| *** used space ***|
And then we need to allocate the tuple (4, true)
. Since we need one word for
the size (2) and one word each for the two values 4
and true
, there are 3
bytes required to store the tuple. If we left the heap in this state:
ESI = 0xadac
0xada0 0xadac
| |
| *** used space ***| 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0xFFFFFFFF |
Then we couldn't use three tag bits when using 0xadac
(the next allocation
we'd need to perform), because the c
part uses the third-least significant bit:
c = 1100
Which would conflict with our tagging strategy. Note that in this assignment,
we might be able to get away with 4-byte word boundaries, but in future
assignments we will use more tags, and need all three bits. So instead of the
above resulting picture, ESI
should be moved one word further:
ESI = 0xadb0
0xada0 0xadb0
| (size) (value 4) (value true) |
| *** used space ***| 0x00000002 | 0x00000008 | 0xFFFFFFFF | padding |
The padding
is unused space to make the heap allocation strategy with tagging
work cleanly – this is certainly a place where you can think about some
interesting tradeoffs (what are some of them?)
Any time we add a new feature to a language, we need to consider its interactions with all the existing features. In the case of Egg-eater, that means considering:
- If expressions
- Function calls and definitions
- Tuples in binary and unary operators
- Let bindings
We'll take them one at a time.
If expressions: Since we've decided to only allow booleans in conditional position, we simply need to make sure our existing checks for boolean-tagged values in if continue to work for tuples.
Function calls and definitions: Tuple values behave just like other values when passed to and returned from functions – the tuple value is just a (tagged) address that takes up a single word.
Tuples in let bindings: As with function calls and returns, tuple values take up a single word and act just like other values in let bindings.
Tuples in binary operators: The arithmetic expressions should continue to only allow numbers, and signal errors on tuple values. There is one binary operator that doesn't check its types, however:
. We need to decide what the behavior of==
is on two tuple values. Note that we have a (rather important) choice here. Clearly, this program should evaluate totrue
:let t = (4, 5) in t == t
However, we need to decide if
(4,5) == (4,5)
should evaluate to
. That is, do we check if the tuple addresses are the same to determine equality, or if the tuple contents are the same. For this assignment, we'll take the somewhat simpler route and compare addresses of tuples, so the second test should evaluate tofalse
. (If you have extra time on this assignment, it's worth trying out the alternate implementation, where you check the tuple contents. A useful hint is to write a two-argument functionequal
that handles this. There is no extra credit for this, just extra learning, which is immensely more valuable.) -
Tuples in unary operators: The behavior of the unary operators is straightforward, with the exception that we need to implement
for tuples. We could just print the address, but that would be somewhat unsatisfying. Instead, we should recursively print the tuple contents, so that the programprint((4, (true, 3)))
actually prints the string
"(4, (true, 3))"
. This will require some careful work with pointers inmain.c
. A useful hint is to create a recursive helper function forprint
that traverses the nested structure of tuples and prints single values.
With the addition of tuples, Egg-eater is dangerously close to a useful
language. Of course, it still puts no control on memory limits, doesn't have a
module system, and has other major holes. However, since we have structured
data, we can now, for instance, implement a linked list. We need to pick a
value to represent empty
– false
will do in a pinch. Then we can write
, which creates a pair of the first with the next link:
def link(first, rest):
(first, rest)
let mylist = link(1, link(2, link(3, false))) in
Now we can write some list functions:
def length(l):
if l == false: 0
1 + length(l[1])
Try building on this idea, and writing up a basic list library. Write at least
, to add up a numeric list, append
, which concatenates two lists, and
, which reverses a list. Hand them in in a file in the input
directory called lists.egg
, which has been started for you with a definition
of link
. Remember that make output/
will build the executable for
this file.
Write more functions if you want, as well, and test them out.
- Implement the
cases in ANF. The helperanf_list
has been provided for you to use in theETuple
case. - Get tuple creation and access working for tuples containing two elements, testing as you go. This is very similar to the pairs code from lecture.
- Modify the binary and unary operators to handle tuples appropriately (it may
be useful to skip
at first). Test as you go. - Make tuple creation and access work for tuples of any size. Test as you go.
- Tackle
for tuples if you haven't already. Test as you go. - Write some list library functions (at least the three above) to really stress your tuple implementation. Rejoice in your implementation of the core features needed for nontrivial computation (Aside from the pesky issue of running out of memory. More on that in lecture soon.).
- If you want to try more, implement content-equality rather than address-equality for tuples. And/or, try implementing something more ambitious than lists, like a binary search tree, in Egg-eater. This last point is ungraded, but quite rewarding!
A note on support code – a lot is provided, but you can feel free to overwrite it with your own implementation, if you prefer.