This projects describes the basic directory structure that you could (and should) adapt for your own analyses.
├── docs
├── graphics
├── input
├── log
├── output
├── paper
├── resources
├── results
├── scripts
│ ├── 00_template.qmd
│ ├──
│ ├── functions
│ └── templates
├── slurm_logs
└── tmp
For larger analyses, it can make sense to work with sub-directories to distinguish between files that are needed for or produced by different scripts. One way to do this is by naming the directories after the respective script.
├── 00_template
├── 01_collate_data
│ └── some_figure.png
└── 02_exploratory_analysis
└── some_plots.pdf
Deposit text documents related to the project here. This can be correspondence in PDF form or any other documents that are relevant.
This directory should be used to save plots and figures produced for this project.
Use this directory to deposit or link to input data used in the analysis. This can be external data, spreadsheets and more that is processed during the analysis.
Files produced during the analysis can be deposited here. In contrast to results that are cleaned output, all files produced and further processed (e.g. into results) can be deposited here.
Use this directory to store everything related to the publication that is supposed to be the result of this anaysis, e.g. tables, drafts etc.
External data used in the project can be deposited or linked to here. For example, if external annotation data bases or results from other publications are used in the analyses, they can be deposited here.
Save cleaned results and data object here.
This is where all code for this project should live. Make sure to adhere to some structure, e.g. sequential numbering of steps and make sure names of scripts are descriptive and explain the main part of what you are doing.
Functions that are sourced within the scripts should be deposited in a separete
directory, i.e. functions
and scripts that are used as template, e.g. similar
analyses or functions from someone else that you adapt for your analysis should
be deposited in the templates
Deposit log output produced by SLURM here as to not pollute the rest of the project with them.
Use this directory to store files that are most likely not needed as results, but might be necessary to produce while developing and testing analyses.