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If you have an Android phone, Google is constantly tracking your location. They literally store your exact coordinates every few milliseconds. Creepy? Sure. But Google allows you access to the raw data, so you can do fun things with it.

(You are able to opt-out of location tracking.)

I spent a ~year traveling around the U.S., so I wanted a map showing where I'd been. I couldn't find a good existing solution, so I built this.

The map looks kind of like of like this-- map

The GIF doesn't do it justice. For a proper demo, this example is hosted on the web.

This was built in a way that should work with anyone's data. This tool returns three files: one HTML, one CSS, and one JavaScript that make up your map.

Getting It Working


There are two things you need before you can get going. The first is your data. The second is an API key.

You can check that your location data is being stored at Google Timeline. If your data is there, click the tiny wheel in the bottom right corner. Select 'Download a copy of all your data'. Make sure the Data Format is JSON, and then complete your own preferences for File Type (examples assume .zip), Archive Size, and Delivery Method.

To get an API Key, see the full instructions. You should be able to manage everything from the API Console.


Copy your location data to the top-level of this repository. You'll see a LocationHistory.json file already there. Replace that location history with your location history.

To do that you'll need to uncompress the file Google provided and move over your data. That will look something like--

unzip ~/Downloads/
cp ~/Downloads/Takeout/Location\ History/LocationHistory.json ~/where-are-you-going-where-have-you-been/

(This assume: the provided file is zipped, that that file is stored in Home/Downloads/, and that this repository is stored in Home/. Update as necessary.)


From the top-level of this directory, run ./script.rb. The console will ask you some questions, including 'What is your API key?'. More detail is provided about each term below.

At the end, the map should automatically open in your preferred browser 😄


The page that opens is made up of three files, which can be found in where-are-you-going-where-have-you-been/site/. If you want to host your map on the web, you'll just need those files.

The Details


The key allows 25,000 map loads per day for free. If you exceed that quantity, you will not be charged unless you 'enable billing'. Complete details are available on the usage page.


The interval is the amount of time, in hours, between data points. For example, 24 will set one data point per day and 1 will set a data point per hour. Therefore, higher numbers will result in straighter lines and less points. Lower numbers will be more curved with more points.


Speed is actually a misnomer. A more accurate term would be 'time (in milliseconds) between jumps.' Therefore, a value of 1 will move the icon really really fast. That is, it will move ever 1 millisecond. 4000 will move slowly--the marker will only jump every 4 seconds. Because it is time, all positive numbers are acceptable. 200 is a reasonable starting value.


The icon and line accept any color values that are legal with CSS. All the following are valid--

rgb(0, 255, 0
rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3)
hsl(120, 100%, 50%)
hsla(120, 100%, 25%, 0.3)


There are 4 options to set as the center of the map: the U.S., Europe, the world, and 'where I've been'.

The center of the world is difficult to define, but here the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London is used. The center of the places you've been is the middle of your northern most point and your southern most point at the intersection of the middle of your eastern most point and your western most point.

To use another value, edit the constants.yml file. More details in the 'Building The Map' section below.


For complete details, see the explanation in Google's Documentation. In short, 1 is super zoomed-out and shows the world. 20 is super zoomed-in and is at the building level.

Rule of thumb--1: world, 5: continent, 10: city, 15: street, 20: building

Map Type

It is possible to display the map in several formats: roadmap, satellite, terrain, hybrid. Details about each are available in Google's Documentation.

Building The Map

When you run ./script the console asks a series of questions. The answers are populated in the constants.yml file.

If you prefer, you can directly edit the constants.yml file. Additionally, this is necessary to set values outside of given options. (E.g. to set the center of the map to the Lincoln Memorial, you'll need to find it's longitude and latitude and set them here.)

To parse the data and build the map directly from constants.yml just run ./script.rb --skip to bypass the questions.

Lastly, the JavaScript file is built with some inelegant regex matching. If the js.js is edited by hand, it's possible the script will no longer create the file correctly. To get a clean version of the JS file, copy over the template with cp ~/where-are-you-going-where-have-you-been/site/js.template ~/where-are-you-going-where-have-you-been/site/js.js.

A Note on Privacy

It is important to note that your map reveals your location history. By zooming in on my map, it is possible to tell where I live, determine companies I've interviewed with, and see where I've been on dates.

If you've been telling your friends you've been going to the Vim meetup when you've really been going to Emacs meetup--you've been warned.

Setting a high interval will reduce the number of data points. Additionally, there is a TODO item to control the precision of the location points.


If you created and hosted a map, submit a pull request (or open an issue with the link) to add it here!


Because this project is small, we can dispense with formality. Submit a pull request, open an issue, request a change. All good!

Wanna Say Thanks?

GitHub stars are helpful. Most importantly, they help with discoverability. Projects with more stars are displayed higher in search results. Also--they make contributors feel good.

If you are feeling especially generous, give a shout to @cmmn_nighthawk.


  • different color lines for different methods of transport
  • add different levels of precision (e.g. details at only city-level)
  • fix error with too many data points (Errno::E2BIG). do not add coordinates to js file with echo >> site/js.js
  • add a command line option to not open the html file at the end of the script
  • allow specification of start and end dates
  • overlay dates


transforms location history into a data visualization map






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