Extract of the "Haggar the Horrible Commodore 64" game source code.
The code has been released in 2021 in a not very accessible format (source files are in Turbo Assembler binary format, stored in a D64
image file); I've extracted and processed the files, so that the source files can be easily studied in plaintext.
Internet archive: https://archive.org/details/hagar-the-horrible-c-64-kingsoft-1992-source-code.-7z
The released image includes a few files:
: the original German versionH_BACK2.D64
: the original English versionH_DEMO1.D64
: two demos released for publicityHAG_SRC1.D64
: the game's source codeHAG_SRC2.D64
: the compiled game's source code
This files are in the directory released_files
Install VICE, then run this bash script:
# Skip disk header and free blocks lines.
files_list=$(c1541 HAG_SRC1.D64 -dir | head -n -1 | tail -n +2 | perl -lne 'print "$1 $2" if /"(.+)" +(\w+) $/')
while IFS= read -r file_entry; do
filename=${file_entry% *}
extension=${file_entry#* }
if [[ $extension == seq ]]; then
c1541 HAG_SRC1.D64 -read "$filename" "$output_file"
done <<< "$files_list"
Note that the above won't work if the filenames include odd characters.
Watch out! c1541 does not exit with error when a file can't be read, so one must parse the output (either manually or programmatically) in order to ensure that the operation succeeded.
Install TMPview, and run:
for f in *.prg; do
tmpview "$f" > "${f%.prg}".asm
petcat undwarf.r.seq > undwarf.r.asm
The SEQ file is human-readable already, but it's PETSCII-encoded; petcat
is a tool included with VICE.
The character's name is actually "Hägar", not "Hagar" 🤓