Access to acquired content in CMF/ Plone should not be allowed.
This package disables content acquisition.
Add the package to your buildout's instances eggs section. Once the ZCML is loaded by Zope it is active. No further steps needed.
The sources are in a GIT DVCS with its main branches at github.
We'd be happy to see many forks and pull-requests to make collective.explicitacquisition even better.
This package is a repackaging of Godfroid Chapelle's (gotcha) Products.CMFPlone branch "publication through explicit acquisition"_, which solves ticket 13793 (references old, archived bug tracker).
Further contributors:
- Johannes Raggam (thetet)
- Kim Paulissen (spereverde)
- Maik Derstappen (MrTango)
- Jens Klein (jensens)