parse raw html or raw json file to structured data with yaml config file
- bottom.comic_links.*
- middle.ctitle
- middle.transcript
_locator: div#bottom
_locator: div#comicLinks>a
_index: ~
_attr: href
_attr_refine: enrich_url
_locator: div#middleContainer
ctitle: div#ctitle
transcript: div#transcript
all reserved keys when we used to write yaml config file to map the HTML/JSON
package xparse
// Core extraction configuration keys
const (
// Index specifies which elements to extract from results
// Formats: "_index" or "_i"
// Values:
// - nil/not existed: get all elements
// - array: [0,1] gets elements[0] and elements[1]
// - single: 0 gets elements[0]
// Index types:
// 1. without index
// 2. index: ~ (index is null)
// 3. index: 0
// 4. index: [0, 1, ...]
// 5. index: 0,4 => 0,1,2,3
Index = "_index"
// Locator specifies the path/selector to find desired elements
// Formats: "_locator" or "_l"
// Supported types:
// > string:
// _locator: string
// > list:
// _locator:
// - div.001
// - div.002
// - div.003
// > map:
// _locator:
// key1: div.001
// key2: div.002
// key3: div.003
Locator = "_locator"
// Element navigation keys
// ExtractPrevElem is used when no proper locator exists
// in most cases, we can use locator to get the elem we want,
// but in some rare cases, there is no proper locator to use, so we have to use this to get prev elem
ExtractPrevElem = "_extract_prev"
ExtractParent = "_extract_parent"
// Attribute related configuration keys
const (
// Attr specifies which attribute to extract
// Default is element text
// Special value "__html" returns raw HTML
Attr = "_attr"
// AttrRefine specifies how to refine the extracted attribute
// Formats: "_attr_refine" or "_ar"
// Values:
// - bool(true): auto-generate method name
// - string(_name): adds prefix "refine" so "_xxx" becomes "_refine_name"
// - string(refine_xxx/_refine_xxx): used as-is
// - string(not started with _): used as-is
AttrRefine = "_attr_refine"
// AttrJoiner specifies the joiner for attributes
AttrJoiner = "_joiner"
// AttrIndex configuration:
// - _joiner: ","
// - _attr_refine: _attr_by_index
// - _attr_index: 0
AttrIndex = "_attr_index"
AttrRegex = "_attr_regex"
// AttrPython runs Python script directly (requires Python environment)
// Example:
// import sys
// raw = sys.argv[1] # raw is globally registered
// arr = raw.split("_")
// print(arr[1]) # required: output value as refined attr value
AttrPython = "_attr_python"
// AttrJS runs JavaScript code
// Example:
// arr = raw.split("_") // raw is registered by default
// refined = arr[1] // refined is required value
// Note: Underscore.js ( is supported by default
AttrJS = "_attr_js"
// Post-processing configuration keys
const (
// PostJoin joins parsed attributes array into string using joiner
PostJoin = "_post_join"
// Strip controls string trimming
// Values:
// - if `_strip: true` or not existed: does strings.TrimSpace
// - if `_strip: str`: does strings.ReplaceAll(raw, str, "")
// - if `_strip: ["(", ")"]`: replaces one by one
// Note: Called by default, use `_strip: false` to disable
Strip = "_strip"
// Type converts output to specified type
// Without `_type: b/i/f`, returns as string
// Values:
// - b: bool
// - i: int
// - f: float
Type = "_type"
// Abbreviated keys
const (
LocatorAbbr = "_l"
IndexAbbr = "_i"
AttrRefineAbbr = "_ar"
TypeAbbr = "_t"
// Special locators and internal constants
const (
// JSONArrayRootLocator is used for JSON arrays without root object
// Used when JSON file has ordered list of values like: `[{...}, {...}]`
JSONArrayRootLocator = "*/*"
// PrefixLocatorStub for multiple locators not in same stub
// Recalculates from base locator (map root)
// Example:
// jobs:
// _locator: jobs
// _index:
// taxo:
// _locator: taxonomyAttributes
// _index: 0
// attr:
// _locator:
// - attributes
// - ___.salarySnippet
PrefixLocatorStub = "___"
// _prefixRefine defines the word we use as the prefix of method of attr refiner
_prefixRefine = "_refine"
// AttrJoinerSep is a separator used to join an array to string
AttrJoinerSep = "|||"
// Special attribute values
const (
// AttrJoinElemsText joins all elements inner text to string
// Used only when parsing HTML
// Warning: Rarely used, consider alternatives
AttrJoinElemsText = "__join_text"
// AttrRawHTML returns the raw html of locator
AttrRawHTML = "__html"
// RefineWithKeyName uses key name as refiner method
// Example:
// root:
// a_changeable_name:
// _locator:
// _attr: title
// _attr_refine: __key
RefineWithKeyName = "__key"
// Type constants
const (
AttrTypeB = "b" // Boolean
AttrTypeF = "f" // Float
AttrTypeI = "i" // Integer
// Time types
AttrTypeT = "t" // Quick mode
AttrTypeT1 = "t1" // Search mode