lbdb completion source for nvim-compe. Names, emails, and email header recipient formatted completions are provided for contacts found in lbdb.
Use your favorite plugin manager:
- vim-plug
Plug 'codybuell/compe-lbdb'
- pathogen
git clone ~/.config/nvim/bundle/compe-lbdb
- native package manager
git clone ~/.config/nvim/pack/bundle/opt/compe-lbdb
packadd! compe-lbdb
-- setup with defaults (markdown and mail file types, priority 100)
-- snip...
source = {
-- snip...
lbdb = true,
-- snip...
-- or alternatively, enable with overrides
-- snip...
source = {
-- snip...
lbdb = {
priority = 80,
filetypes = {'mail'},
blacklist = {
'[email protected]',
-- snip...
Note that if you are configuring your own blacklist it will not be picked up if compe is initialized in an after script.