This repository provides a script and recipe to train the EfficientNet model on Large Scale Imagenet Dataset for varios EfficientNet architectures. The content of the repository is tested by NVIDIA and part of the repository Deep Learning Examples
The following section lists the requirements that you need to meet in order to start training the EfficientNet model.
This repository contains Dockerfile which extends the TensorFlow NGC container and encapsulates some dependencies. Aside from these dependencies, ensure you have the following components:
- NVIDIA Docker
- [TensorFlow 20.08-py3] NGC container or later
- Supported GPUs:
For more information about how to get started with NGC containers, see the following sections from the NVIDIA GPU Cloud Documentation and the Deep Learning Documentation:
- Getting Started Using NVIDIA GPU Cloud
- Accessing And Pulling From The NGC Container Registry
- Running TensorFlow
As an alternative to the use of the Tensorflow2 NGC container, to set up the required environment or create your own container, see the versioned NVIDIA Container Support Matrix.
For multi-node, the sample provided in this repository requires Enroot and Pyxis set up on a SLURM cluster.
To train your model using mixed or TF32 precision with Tensor Cores or using FP32, perform the following steps using the default parameters of the EfficientNet model on the ImageNet dataset. For the specifics concerning training and inference, see the Advanced section.
Clone the repository.
git clone efficientnet-train cd efficientnet-train
Download and prepare the dataset.
Download ImageNet Dataset from the link to a folder "~/Downloads/imagenet12"
$ ls -l ~/Downloads/imagenet12 ILSVRC2012_img_test_v10102019.tar ILSVRC2012_img_train_t3.tar ILSVRC2012_img_train.tar ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar
To prepare the dataset
- Run Docker Container
docker run -it --rm --shm-size=1g --ipc=host \ --ulimit memlock=-1 --ulimit stack=67108864 \ -v ~/Downloads/imagenet12:/imagenet \ -w /workspace/nvidia-examples/build_imagenet_data/ \
- Process and Prepare Imagenet Dataset
mkdir -p /imagenet/raw-data cp /imagenet/ILSVRC2012_img_*.tar /imagenet/raw-data/ ./ /imagenet
Start EfficientNet Docker built on top of the NGC container for training. Configure the dataset path accordingly
Run training - change parameters in the file
appropriately file the architecture, the dataset path.bash ./scripts/docker/
Start training.
The following sections provide greater details of the dataset and running training
Important parameters for training are listed below with default values.
) - the default istrain_and_eval
- the default isefficientnet-b0
- The folder where model checkpoints are saved (the default is/workspace/output
- The folder where data resides (the default is/data/
- Type of Augmentation (the default isautoaugment
- The number of training epochs (the default is300
- The number of epochs of warmup (the default is5
- The training batch size per GPU (the default is32
- The evaluation batch size per GPU (the default is32
- The learning rate for a batch size of 128, effective learning rate will be automatically scaled according to the global training batch size (the default is0.008
The main script
specific parameters are:
--model_dir MODEL_DIR
The directory where the model and training/evaluation
summariesare stored.
--save_checkpoint_freq SAVE_CHECKPOINT_FREQ
Number of epochs to save checkpoint.
--data_dir DATA_DIR The location of the input data. Files should be named
`train-*` and `validation-*`.
--mode MODE Mode to run: `train`, `eval`, `train_and_eval`, `predict` or
--arch ARCH The type of the model, e.g. EfficientNet, etc.
--dataset DATASET The name of the dataset, e.g. ImageNet, etc.
--log_steps LOG_STEPS
The interval of steps between logging of batch level
--use_xla Set to True to enable XLA
--use_amp Set to True to enable AMP
--num_classes NUM_CLASSES
Number of classes to train on.
--batch_norm BATCH_NORM
Type of Batch norm used.
--activation ACTIVATION
Type of activation to be used.
--optimizer OPTIMIZER
Optimizer to be used.
--moving_average_decay MOVING_AVERAGE_DECAY
The value of moving average.
--label_smoothing LABEL_SMOOTHING
The value of label smoothing.
--max_epochs MAX_EPOCHS
Number of epochs to train.
--num_epochs_between_eval NUM_EPOCHS_BETWEEN_EVAL
Eval after how many steps of training.
--steps_per_epoch STEPS_PER_EPOCH
Number of steps of training.
--warmup_epochs WARMUP_EPOCHS
Number of steps considered as warmup and not taken
into account for performance measurements.
--lr_init LR_INIT Initial value for the learning rate.
--lr_decay LR_DECAY Type of LR Decay.
--lr_decay_rate LR_DECAY_RATE
LR Decay rate.
--lr_decay_epochs LR_DECAY_EPOCHS
LR Decay epoch.
--weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY
Weight Decay scale factor.
--weight_init {fan_in,fan_out}
Model weight initialization method.
--train_batch_size TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE
Training batch size per GPU.
--augmenter_name AUGMENTER_NAME
Type of Augmentation during preprocessing only during
--eval_batch_size EVAL_BATCH_SIZE
Evaluation batch size per GPU.
--resume_checkpoint Resume from a checkpoint in the model_dir.
--use_dali Use dali for data loading and preprocessing of train
--use_dali_eval Use dali for data loading and preprocessing of eval
--dtype DTYPE Only permitted
To see the full list of available options and their descriptions, use the -h
or --help
command-line option, for example:
python --help
Refer to the TFDS ImageNet readme for manual download instructions.
To train on ImageNet dataset, pass $path_to_ImageNet_tfrecords
to $data_dir
in the command-line.
Name the TFRecords in the following scheme:
- Training images -
- Validation images -
The training process can start from scratch, or resume from a checkpoint.
By default, bash script scripts/{B0, B4}/training/{AMP, FP32, TF32}/convergence_8x{A100-80G, V100-16G, V100-32G}.sh
will start the training process from scratch with the following settings.
- Use 8 GPUs by Horovod
- Has XLA enabled
- Saves checkpoints after every 5 epochs to
folder - AMP or FP32 or TF32 based on the folder
scripts/{B0, B4}/training/{AMP, FP32, TF32}
To resume from a checkpoint, include --resume_checkpoint
in the command-line and place the checkpoint into --model_dir
Multi-node runs can be launched on a Pyxis/enroot Slurm cluster (see Requirements) with the run_{B0, B4}_multinode.sub
script with the following command for a 4-node NVIDIA DGX A100 example:
PARTITION=<partition_name> sbatch N 4 --ntasks-per-node=8 run_B0_multinode.sub
PARTITION=<partition_name> sbatch N 4 --ntasks-per-node=8 run_B4_multinode.sub
Checkpoint after --save_checkpoint_freq
epochs will be saved in checkpointdir
. The checkpoint will be automatically picked up to resume training in case it needs to be resumed. Cluster partition name has to be provided <partition_name>
Note that the run_{B0, B4}_multinode.sub
script is a starting point that has to be adapted depending on the environment. In particular, variables such as --container-image
handle the container image to train using and --datadir
handle the location of the ImageNet data.
Refer to the files contents to see the full list of variables to adjust for your system.
Validation is done every epoch and can be also run separately on a checkpointed model.
bash ./scripts/{B0, B4}/evaluation/evaluation_{AMP, FP32, TF32}_8x{A100-80G, V100-16G, V100-32G}.sh
Metrics gathered through this process are as follows:
- eval_loss
- eval_accuracy_top_1
- eval_accuracy_top_5
- avg_exp_per_second_eval
- avg_exp_per_second_eval_per_GPU
- avg_time_per_exp_eval : Average Latency
- latency_90pct : 90% Latency
- latency_95pct : 95% Latency
- latency_99pct : 99% Latency
To run inference on a JPEG image, you have to first store the checkpoint in the --model_dir
and store the JPEG images in the following directory structure:
| ├── images
| | ├── image1.JPEG
| | ├── image2.JPEG
bash ./scripts/{B0, B4}/inference/inference_{AMP, FP32, TF32}.sh
The performance measurements in this document were conducted at the time of publication and may not reflect the performance achieved from NVIDIA’s latest software release. For the most up-to-date performance measurements, go to NVIDIA Data Center Deep Learning Product Performance.
The following section shows how to run benchmarks measuring the model performance in training and inference modes.
Training benchmark for EfficientNet-B0 was run on NVIDIA DGX A100 and NVIDIA DGX-1 V100 16GB.
To benchmark training performance with other parameters, run:
bash ./scripts/B0/training/{AMP, FP32, TF32}/train_benchmark_8x{A100-80G, V100-16G}.sh
Training benchmark for EfficientNet-B4 was run on NVIDIA DGX A100 and NVIDIA DGX-1 V100 32GB.
bash ./scripts/B4/training/{AMP, FP32, TF32}/train_benchmark_8x{A100-80G, V100-16G}.sh
March 2021
- Initial release July 2021
- Repository Forked and customized
- EfficientNet-B0 does not improve training speed by using AMP as compared to FP32, because of the CPU bound Auto-augmentation.