Jonne queries Elasticsearch and sends notifications for matching documents. Written in Elixir as a learning project.
- Stateless: only messages arriving after the app starts up are delivered
- Indices are assumed to be named per date in the "logstash format", e.g.
- Indices are queried according to the client time in UTC
- Slack notifications are sent for matching documents
- Prometheus metrics exposed at
Start via Docker:
docker run --env-file my-env codeflows/jonne
where my-env
# Required parameters
ELASTICSEARCH_QUERY=service:loadbalancer AND \"hello world\"
# Optional parameters
# Slack notification EEx template
SLACK_NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE=Got document from index <%= document[\"_index\"] %>
- Currently you can only have one query per instance
- tzdata is downloaded on every startup inside the Docker container
- Notifier does not buffer events but alerts on every one - don't repeat messages?
Copy config/dev.template.exs
to config/dev.exs
and customize.
brew install elixir
# Get dependencies
mix deps.get
# Run app in development mode
mix run --no-halt
# Run unit tests
mix test
# Start application in REPL
iex -S mix
iex> r Jonne.Poller # Reload module
iex> Application.start(:jonne) # Restart app after crash
# Build, tag and push a new Docker release
./ 1.0.0