grails create-app numberbug
cd numberbug
create-domain-class Bug
# add 1 properties to Bug.groovy int num = 123456789
generate-all numberbug.Bug
# create 1 Bug in BootStrap.groovy Bug.withTransaction { new Bug().save(flush:true) }
grails run-app
Try and view num in Safari or Chrome: http://localhost:8080/bug/edit/1
Notice that the field is red and unpopulated.
This is because it is rendering
<input type="number" name="num" value="123,456,789" required="" id="num">
Which is not valid markup for a input with type number.
Bug 2 - @BindingFormat not working
As Documented Here:
in the section "Custom Formatted Converters"
1. Create FormattedStringValueConverter.groovy with code provided in documentation.
2. Update grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy according to documentation
3. Create Person.groovy with code provided in documentation.
4. Create a sample Person object in BootStrap.groovy to demonstrate converter.
5. run-app and visit http://localhost:8080/person/index