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build: bump minumum macOS to 10.13
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codebytere committed May 21, 2022
1 parent 1b2e2f0 commit 4f2d17c
Showing 3 changed files with 40 additions and 61 deletions.
8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -71,10 +71,8 @@ Return Value Descriptions:
* Access to `bluetooth` will always return a status of `authorized` prior to macOS 10.15, as the underlying API was not introduced until that version.
* Access to `camera` and `microphone` will always return a status of `authorized` prior to macOS 10.14, as the underlying API was not introduced until that version.
* Access to `contacts` will always return a status of `authorized` prior to macOS 10.11, as the underlying API was not introduced until that version.
* Access to `input-monitoring` will always return a status of `authorized` prior to macOS 10.15, as the underlying API was not introduced until that version.
* Access to `music-library` will always return a status of `authorized` prior to macOS 11.0, as the underlying API was not introduced until that version.
* Access to `photos` will always return a status of `authorized` prior to macOS 10.13, as the underlying API was not introduced until that version.
* Access to `screen` will always return a status of `authorized` prior to macOS 10.15, as the underlying API was not introduced until that version.
* Access to `speech-recognition` will always return a status of `authorized` prior to macOS 10.15, as the underlying API was not introduced until that version.

@@ -114,8 +112,6 @@ Your app’s `Info.plist` file must provide a value for the `NSContactsUsageDesc
<string>Your reason for wanting to access the Contact store</string>

**Note:** `status` will be resolved back as `authorized` prior to macOS 10.11, as the underlying API was not introduced until that version.

const { askForContactsAccess } = require('node-mac-permissions')
@@ -350,10 +346,6 @@ Your app must provide an explanation for its use of the photo library using the
<string>Your reason for wanting to access Photos</string>


- `status` will be resolved back as `authorized` prior to macOS 10.13, as the underlying API was not introduced until that version.


2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion binding.gyp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"xcode_settings": {
"OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS": ["-std=c++14", "-stdlib=libc++"],
91 changes: 39 additions & 52 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -339,17 +339,15 @@ bool HasOpenSystemPreferencesDialog() {
// Returns a status indicating whether or not the user has authorized Photos
// access.
std::string PhotosAuthStatus() {
if (@available(macOS 10.13, *)) {
switch ([PHPhotoLibrary authorizationStatus]) {
case PHAuthorizationStatusAuthorized:
return kAuthorized;
case PHAuthorizationStatusDenied:
return kDenied;
case PHAuthorizationStatusRestricted:
return kRestricted;
return kNotDetermined;
switch ([PHPhotoLibrary authorizationStatus]) {
case PHAuthorizationStatusAuthorized:
return kAuthorized;
case PHAuthorizationStatusDenied:
return kDenied;
case PHAuthorizationStatusRestricted:
return kRestricted;
return kNotDetermined;

return kAuthorized;
@@ -431,23 +429,18 @@ bool HasOpenSystemPreferencesDialog() {
Napi::ThreadSafeFunction ts_fn = Napi::ThreadSafeFunction::New(
env, Napi::Function::New(env, NoOp), "contactsCallback", 0, 1);

if (@available(macOS 10.11, *)) {
__block Napi::ThreadSafeFunction tsfn = ts_fn;
CNContactStore *store = [CNContactStore new];
[store requestAccessForEntityType:CNEntityTypeContacts
completionHandler:^(BOOL granted, NSError *error) {
auto callback = [=](Napi::Env env, Napi::Function js_cb,
const char *granted) {
deferred.Resolve(Napi::String::New(env, granted));
tsfn.BlockingCall(granted ? "authorized" : "denied",
} else {
deferred.Resolve(Napi::String::New(env, kAuthorized));
__block Napi::ThreadSafeFunction tsfn = ts_fn;
CNContactStore *store = [CNContactStore new];
completionHandler:^(BOOL granted, NSError *error) {
auto callback = [=](Napi::Env env, Napi::Function js_cb,
const char *granted) {
deferred.Resolve(Napi::String::New(env, granted));
tsfn.BlockingCall(granted ? "authorized" : "denied", callback);

return deferred.Promise();
@@ -594,33 +587,27 @@ void AskForFullDiskAccess(const Napi::CallbackInfo &info) {
Napi::ThreadSafeFunction ts_fn = Napi::ThreadSafeFunction::New(
env, Napi::Function::New(env, NoOp), "photosCallback", 0, 1);

if (@available(macOS 10.13, *)) {
std::string auth_status = PhotosAuthStatus();

if (auth_status == kNotDetermined) {
__block Napi::ThreadSafeFunction tsfn = ts_fn;
[PHPhotoLibrary requestAuthorization:^(PHAuthorizationStatus status) {
auto callback = [=](Napi::Env env, Napi::Function js_cb,
const char *granted) {
deferred.Resolve(Napi::String::New(env, granted));
status == PHAuthorizationStatusAuthorized ? "authorized" : "denied",
} else if (auth_status == kDenied) {
std::string auth_status = PhotosAuthStatus();
if (auth_status == kNotDetermined) {
__block Napi::ThreadSafeFunction tsfn = ts_fn;
[PHPhotoLibrary requestAuthorization:^(PHAuthorizationStatus status) {
auto callback = [=](Napi::Env env, Napi::Function js_cb,
const char *granted) {
deferred.Resolve(Napi::String::New(env, granted));
tsfn.BlockingCall(status == PHAuthorizationStatusAuthorized ? "authorized"
: "denied",
} else if (auth_status == kDenied) {

deferred.Resolve(Napi::String::New(env, kDenied));
} else {
deferred.Resolve(Napi::String::New(env, auth_status));
deferred.Resolve(Napi::String::New(env, kDenied));
} else {
deferred.Resolve(Napi::String::New(env, kAuthorized));
deferred.Resolve(Napi::String::New(env, auth_status));

return deferred.Promise();

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