This is the skeleton of a Web API written in Golang. In order to use it, you have to clone it, rename it as you want (also rename all the imports from 'gost' to your app's name) and then start coding over this template.
This template contains basic endpoints for Users (+ login system) and Transactions (payments made between users). Both the endpoints are fully working ones, however the user is free to modify/delete them as they will.
Install Go and set up your GOPATH. Starting with version Go1.4, you also need to set the GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP variable, to the same path as your GOROOT.
Install MongoDb
Create a database named serverName_db and then create an user for the database using the following command in mongodb shell:
db.createUser( { user: "serverNameAdmin", pwd: "serverNamePass", roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "serverName_db" } ] } )
Install all the necessary dependencies using the following command in the cmd/console/terminal:
go get -v
For testing purposes, create another database named serverName_db_test, but don't create a user for it like for the main database. In order for the tests to run, you need to set the following environment variables correctly:
If you don't want to use the terminal for creating the databases, you can always use Robomongo, a very easy to use GUI for mongodb.
**MONGODB_URL** = connection_string_for_mongodb (i.e. 'mongodb://localhost:27017')
**GOST_TESTAPP_DB_NAME** = serverName_test_app_db_name
**GOST_TESTAPP_NAME** = serverName_test_app_name
**GOST_TESTAPP_INSTANCE** = /gost-test/ (access path, such as: **/some_domain/gost-test/**some_link_path)
**GOST_TESTAPP_HTTP** = serverName_testapp_http_server (i.e. :7500 for localhost:7500/; use for access from outside the local domain)
export MONGODB_URL="localhost"
export GOST_TESTAPP_DB_NAME="gost_test_app_db"
export GOST_TESTAPP_NAME="gost_test_app"
export GOST_TESTAPP_INSTANCE="/gost-test/"
export GOST_TESTAPP_HTTP="localhost:7500"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("MONGODB_URL", "localhost", "User")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("GOST_TESTAPP_DB_NAME", "gost_test_app_db", "User")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("GOST_TESTAPP_DB_CONN", ("{0}/{1}" -f [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("MONGODB_URL", "User"),[Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable ("GOST_TESTAPP_DB_NAME", "User")), "User")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("GOST_TESTAPP_NAME", "gost_test_app", "User")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("GOST_TESTAPP_INSTANCE", "/gost-test/", "User")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("GOST_TESTAPP_HTTP ", "localhost:7500", "User")
To rename this template from gost to your new application name that will be built over this, use:
- For UNIX: the bash script named app-rename to easily do all the renaming (folders, files and imports). Use the --help flag for usage details"
- For Windows: the executable application named AppRename.exe