Bayesian Q-learning with Explicit Uncertainty Measures : Assumed Density Filtering Q-learning (ADFQ)
This repository contains the ADFQ algorithms from the following paper. See the paper for more technical details.
- Assumed Density Filtering Q-learning ( : H. Jeong, C. Zhang, D. D. Lee, and G. J. Pappas, “Assumed Density Filtering Q-learning,” the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Macao, China, 2019
The ADFQ codes for the finite state and action spaces (directly under the ADFQ directory) work both in python 2.7.x and python 3. For deep ADFQ, python 3 (>=3.5) and tensorflow-gpu are recommended.
Clone the repo
git clone
cd ADFQ && source setup
Use the Dockerfile or install the dependencies individually. We include a part of codes from OpenAI baselines (due to the repository stability issue, we are not directly using the current version of the OpenAI baseline git repo). You may need some packages mentioned in the installation guidelines at
Classic environments:
python --env loop
And running ADFQ in Cartpole-v0
set callback=None in line 78 if you don't want it to end its training after reaching a maximum time step of a task (e.g. 199 for CartPole).\ Running ADFQ in an atari game, for example, Asterix-v0
python --env AsterixNoFrameskip-v4 --act_policy bayesian
This repository also contains example codes to run the presented RL algorithms in the target tracking environments ( Please install the ttenv repository separately in order to use deep_adfq/ or deep_adfq/baselines0/deepq/ The related work is presented in the following paper:
- Learning Q-network for Active Information Acquisition ( : H. Jeong, B. Schlotfeldt, H. Hassani, M. Morari, D. D. Lee, and G. J. Pappas, “Learning Q-network for Active Information Acquisition,”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Macao, China, 2019
If you use this repo in your research, you can cite it as follows:
author = {Heejin Jeong, Clark Zhang, Daniel D. Lee, George J. Pappas},
title = {ADFQ_open_source},
year = {2018},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\url{}},