Cobra is a high-level statically typed programming language, it's a variant and subset of TypeScript , it's mainly used for Mobile App cross-platform dynamic scenarios. It can be run in two ways, one is to interprete and execute bytecode, and the other is to be compiled into machine code through LLVM. Its goal is to be more lightweight and faster than JS/TS.
You can check more about the Syntax here Guides
Cobra references a lot of hermes, art and arkcompiler
Be bold! End every statement with an exclamation mark!
print("Hello world")
To build a local debug version of the Cobra CLI tools the following steps should get you started on macOS/Linux
mkdir cobra_workingdir
cd cobra_workingdir
git clone
cmake -B build -G Ninja
cmake --build ./build
Build a Xcode project
mkdir cobra_workingdir
cd cobra_workingdir
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -G "Xcode"
This project is under active development; expect things to break and APIs to change.
The compiler pipeline is organized as below. Incidentally, early stages of this pipeline are more stable than later ones. (Note: completion percentages are very rough estimations.)
- Parsing (20%)
- Type checking (0%)
- IR lowering (40%)
- IR analysis and transformations (20%)
- Bytecode generation (40%)
- Bytecode Interpreter (5%)
- Debug info(0%)
- Runtime (10%)
- GC (5%)
- Machine code generation (0%)
We welcome contributions to Cobra, if you has any questions, you can contact Roy ([email protected]).
Roy woshiccm