This package is for production of event display files for the CMS experiment at the LHC.
Briefly, the event display files, with a file extension .ig
are zip archives of JSON files. A separate JSON file is made for each event. The JSON file is then easily read in the browser-based event display iSpy WebGL
The ig
files are created by running this code in a CMSSW environment, extracting out the necessary event and geometry information.
Note: You should try to match as closely as possible the version of CMSSW in which you run the iSpy analzyers to the CMSSW version used to (re)process the data. This example uses CMSSW_10_2_9. Substitute your own version.
Create a CMSSW environment:
cmsrel CMSSW_10_2_9
Change to the CMSSW_10_2_9/src/ directory:
cd CMSSW_10_2_9/src/
Initialize the CMSSW environment:
Clone the necessary source code:
git clone ISpy/Analyzers
git clone ISpy/Services
Compile the code with the command:
scram b
Once compiled, change to ISpy/Analyzers:
cd ISpy/Analyzers
Open python/
and specify your input file here:
process.source = cms.Source(
fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring('file:///myAOD.root')
You may be able to run the configuration python/
"out-of-the-box" on the file
specified there:
process.source = cms.Source(
fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring(
NOTE You may need to init your GRID proxy with the command voms-proxy-init --rfc --voms cms
Run the example configuration file:
cmsRun python/
View the output in
In addition to cloning the code to your local area and building and running it on lxplus you can do it locally in a docker container. For some CMSSW releases stand-alone (i.e. containing everything you may need) containers are available.
CMSSW docker images are available from the CMSSW Docker image building service.
If you don't have docker installed already, instructions are here.
As above, we will use CMSSW_10_2_X and with the following command fetch an image and start up a container:
docker run -it --name ispy -v ~/.globus:/home/cmsusr/.globus
Note that the options -it
which ensures that the container runs interactively, --name ispy
whichs names the container for easy use later, and -v ~/.globus:/home/cmsusr/.globus
which mounts the directory for your GRID credentials.
Once started (it may take a bit of time to download the whole image but this is only done once), you will be in a shell prompt as above:
[11:34:06] cmsusr@c96a44269948 ~/CMSSW_10_2_21/src $
Then you may follow the instructions as above.
Once you exit the container you may start it up again with the command:
docker start -i ispy
"Slim" containers are available as well and are useful if either you want a version of CMSSW that isn't available as a stand-alone container or
if you already have cvmfs
mounted on your machine and don't need or want a stand-alone version.
In this case you will first have to mount cvmfs
. Instructions on how to do this are here.
Then you may proceed to as follows (in which we assume you want to install CMSSW_10_2_22
$ docker run --rm -it -v /cvmfs:/cvmfs -v ~/.globus:/home/cmsusr/.globus /bin/bash
::: Setting up CMS environment (works only if /cvmfs is mounted on host) ...
::: Setting up CMS environment... [done]
Note that we mount cvmfs
and the directory containing GRID credentials.
Now you should be in the container and can proceed similarly as above (where for below output is suppressed):
cmsusr@d4cc1c4531fe ~ $ scram project CMSSW_10_2_22
cmsusr@d4cc1c4531fe ~ $ cd CMSSW_10_2_22/
cmsusr@d4cc1c4531fe ~/CMSSW_10_2_22/src $ git clone ISpy/Analyzers
cmsusr@d4cc1c4531fe ~/CMSSW_10_2_22/src $ git clone ISpy/Services
cmsusr@d4cc1c4531fe ~/CMSSW_10_2_22/src $ cmsenv
cmsusr@d4cc1c4531fe ~/CMSSW_10_2_22/src $ scram b
This is a typical cfg file for processing AOD:
import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
process = cms.Process("ISPY")
from Configuration.AlCa.GlobalTag_condDBv2 import GlobalTag
process.GlobalTag = GlobalTag(process.GlobalTag, 'auto:run2_data', '')
import FWCore.Utilities.FileUtils as FileUtils
Here one specifies the input file
process.source = cms.Source('PoolSource',
fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring('file://pickevents_2016_AOD.root'),
from FWCore.MessageLogger.MessageLogger_cfi import *
Here is the output file name.
outputFileName = cms.untracked.string('ig_output.ig'),
outputIg = cms.untracked.bool(True),
These are the number of events to write per ig file. The file name specified above is actually a pattern.
For example, given the maximum number of events below the first 10 events will be written to ig_output_0.ig
the next 10 will be written to ig_output_1.ig
, etc.
outputMaxEvents = cms.untracked.int32(10),
debug = cms.untracked.bool(True)
process.options = cms.untracked.PSet(
SkipEvent = cms.untracked.vstring('ProductNotFound')
These are the number of events to cycle through in the input root file. If -1
then it will
go through all of them.
process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
input = cms.untracked.int32(-1)
It is often useful to explicitly load the configurations as below.
# Load things explicitly here; mostly AOD stuff
Since TrackExtras are not available in AOD the TrackExtrapolation
collection is
used. This handles tracks and gsfElectrons
There are default input tag names for all of the objects. Here we specify them.
process.ISpyCSCRecHit2D.iSpyCSCRecHit2DTag = cms.InputTag("csc2DRecHits")
process.ISpyCSCSegment.iSpyCSCSegmentTag = cms.InputTag("cscSegments")
process.ISpyDTRecHit.iSpyDTRecHitTag = cms.InputTag('dt1DRecHits')
process.ISpyDTRecSegment4D.iSpyDTRecSegment4DTag = cms.InputTag('dt4DSegments')
process.ISpyEBRecHit.iSpyEBRecHitTag = cms.InputTag('reducedEcalRecHitsEB')
process.ISpyEERecHit.iSpyEERecHitTag = cms.InputTag('reducedEcalRecHitsEE')
process.ISpyESRecHit.iSpyESRecHitTag = cms.InputTag('reducedEcalRecHitsES')
process.ISpyHBRecHit.iSpyHBRecHitTag = cms.InputTag("reducedHcalRecHits:hbhereco")
process.ISpyHERecHit.iSpyHERecHitTag = cms.InputTag("reducedHcalRecHits:hbhereco")
process.ISpyHFRecHit.iSpyHFRecHitTag = cms.InputTag("reducedHcalRecHits:hfreco")
process.ISpyHORecHit.iSpyHORecHitTag = cms.InputTag("reducedHcalRecHits:horeco")
process.ISpyJet.iSpyJetTag = cms.InputTag("iterativeCone5CaloJets")
process.ISpyMET.iSpyMETTag = cms.InputTag("htMetIC5")
process.ISpyMuon.iSpyMuonTag = cms.InputTag("muons")
process.ISpyPFJet.iSpyPFJetTag = cms.InputTag('ak4PFJets')
process.ISpyPhoton.iSpyPhotonTag = cms.InputTag('photons')
process.ISpyRPCRecHit.iSpyRPCRecHitTag = cms.InputTag("rpcRecHits")
process.ISpyVertex.iSpyVertexTag = cms.InputTag('offlinePrimaryVertices')
Now we specify the path and the processes.
process.iSpy = cms.Path(process.ISpyEvent*
process.schedule = cms.Schedule(process.iSpy)
is best. AOD
and miniAOD
are good.
there is an example cfg file here and for miniAOD
there is an
example cfg file here.
Yes. There are many configuration file examples to be found in these repositories.
In a CMSSW environment you can run the command edmDumpEventContent [input file name]
which will dump the information on what objects and collections
are available in the file as well as their input tags to the screen. This is important information for your configuration file.
Besides loading it into the display? You can view the contents of the file in the terminal by unzipping it:
unzip igOutput_0.ig
which shows you something like this:
inflating: Header
inflating: Events/Run_324998/Event_319188370
inflating: Events/Run_324998/Event_319160561
inflating: Events/Run_324998/Event_318570049
inflating: Events/Run_324998/Event_318806497
inflating: Events/Run_324998/Event_318456746
inflating: Events/Run_324998/Event_318751820
inflating: Events/Run_324998/Event_318479879
inflating: Events/Run_324998/Event_318521425
inflating: Events/Run_324998/Event_318399858
inflating: Events/Run_324998/Event_318918230
Each file Event_
is a text-based JSON file which you can open in a text editor. See the information on the ig
format below but a quick look at Products_V1
will show you what was loaded and successfully processed. What wasn't done with so much success will show up in Errors_V1
. This indicate objects that weren't found for example.
It's likely you are running over AOD
using the ISpyTrack
analyzer. This analyzer only works when TrackExtras
are present. Use the
analyzer instead.
There are minimal selections available in the analyzers as the "philosophy" (if you can call it that) is to dump out the event and do selections on particular objects downstream in the display. However, given the number of reconstructed jets that can appear in the event there is some functionality for PFJets. You can, for example, add these two lines in your cfg file:
process.ISpyPFJet.etMin = cms.double(30.0)
process.ISpyPFJet.etaMax = cms.double(2.5)
Don't forget that these are analyzers like any other and that you have the source code. Feel free to add any selections as needed.
There are minimal selections available in the analyzers as the "philosophy" (if you can call it that) is to dump out the event and do selections on particular objects downstream in the display. However, given the number of reconstructed tracks that can appear in the event there is some functionality for tracks.
You can, for example, add this line to your cfg file (for RECO
process.ISpyTrack.ptMin = cms.double(2.0)
or for AOD
process.ISpyTrackExtrapolation.trackPtMin = cms.double(2.0)
Don't forget that these are analyzers like any other and that you have the source code. Feel free to add any selections as needed.
Please open an issue.
A .ig
file is a zip archive (unzippable via unzip or similar) containing one file per event. Each event file uses a relational database-like structure, described using JSON.
ig files have a flat directory structure with a separate directory per run (run directory). Each run directory contains one or more files describing a given event (ig event file) each. The associated run number and the event number are, respectively, the file name for the run directory and for the ig event file.
The ig-event-file format is a valid JSON or python dictionary. The format defines three categories of objects: types, collections and associations-sets.
ig-event-file ::= { 'Types': type-descriptions, 'Collections': collections, 'Associations': association-sets }
Types are a mapping of a type-name and its associated type-description. The type-description defines the types of the objects that are to be found in the Collection which uses the same string as the type-name to be identified. The attributes (i.e. columns) of a Collection are defined by an attribute name and an attribute type. The former is just a string label, while the second one define the kind of object which is stored in the attribute, all of which have a C++ equivalent. Possible attribute types include:
- simple numeric types: int, long, and double, which map to their C++ equivalents.
- text-like elements: string, which map to
- vector like quantities: v2d, v3d, v4d which map to
type-descriptions ::= { type-description, ... }
type-description ::= "type-name": [attributes-description, ...]
type-name ::= string-literal
attribute-description ::= ["attribute-name", "attribute-type"]
attribute-name ::= string-literal
string-literal ::= [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_/0-9]*
attribute-type ::= int OR long OR double OR string OR v2d OR v3d OR v4d
Collections are arrays of rows, identified by a collection-name. The collection-name is a string-literal which matches one of the type-names defined in types. Rows are arrays of values, where the type of the value matches the attribute-type of the attribute-description with the same position in the type-description which has its type-name matching the collection name.
This is the actual data contained in a file.
collections ::= {collection, ... }
collection ::= "type-name": [row, ...]
row ::= [ value, ...]
value ::= string-literal OR numeric-literal OR vector-literal
numeric-literal ::= [0-9]+[.][0-9]
vector-literal ::= [numeric-literal, numeric-literal, ...]
An association defines a relationship between two rows found in any (possibly the same) collections. They are uniquely identified by two couples of numbers, the first one uniquely identifying the left object of the association, the other identifying the right object. The first element of this couple of numbers is the so called collection id while the second one is called object id. The collection id is the index of the collection type within the Types table, while the object id is the index of the object within the collection. Such a couple of numbers is called object reference. An association-set is an array of associations which share some common meaning decided by the writer of the ig-file.
associations-sets ::= { association-set, ... }
association-set ::= "association-set-name": [association, ...]
association ::= [left-object, right-object]
left-object ::= object-reference
right-object ::= object-reference
object-reference ::= [collection-id, object-id]
collection-id ::= index-literal
object-id ::= index-literal
index-literal ::= [0-9]+
Here is a simple example of what an ig file looks like.
"Types": {"Tracks_V1": [["x", "double"],["y", "double"],["z", "double"],
["px", "double"],["py","double"],["pz", "double"]],
"Clusters_V1": [["x", "double"],["y", "double"],["z", "double"],
["e", "double"]]
"Collections": {"Tracks_V1": [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2],
[3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
[4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4],
[5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5],
[6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6],
[7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7],
[8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8],
[9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9]],
"Clusters_V1": [[0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 1, 1, 1],
[2, 2, 2, 2],
[3, 3, 3, 3],
[4, 4, 4, 4],
[5, 5, 5, 5],
[6, 6, 6, 6],
[7, 7, 7, 7],
[8, 8, 8, 8],
[9, 9, 9, 9]]
"Associations": {"TrackClusters_V1": [[[0, 0], [1, 0]],
[[0, 1], [1, 1]],
[[0, 2], [1, 2]],
[[0, 3], [1, 3]],
[[0, 4], [1, 4]],
[[0, 5], [1, 5]],
[[0, 6], [1, 6]],
[[0, 7], [1, 7]],
[[0, 8], [1, 8]],
[[0, 9], [1, 9]]],
"TrackClusters2_V1": [[[0, 0], [1, 0]],
[[0, 1], [1, 0]],
[[0, 2], [1, 0]],
[[0, 3], [1, 0]],
[[0, 4], [1, 0]],
[[0, 5], [1, 0]],
[[0, 6], [1, 0]],
[[0, 7], [1, 0]],
[[0, 8], [1, 0]],
[[0, 9], [1, 0]]]