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fff_dqmtools aka DQM^2.

Page with more information here.

Building a package


The script will only work on RHEL-like OSes (e.g. an RHEL8 OpenStack VM). To run this script you will need to install rpmdevtools and rpmlint.

  • Create an RPM by executing ./utils/ in the repository's root folder.


  • For the manual installation at P5, copy the source code and the built package and then execute: ./utils/ --remote <machine_name> in the repository's root folder. This installation will be undone by puppet days/months later.

  • To update all of the DQM machines at once, the dropbox could be used (you will need to be in the appropriate *_librarian group): bash ssh <your P5 username>cmsdropboxcc8.cms sudo dropbox2 -z cms -o cc8 -s dqm -u /folder/with/fff_dqmtools/

    [!NOTE] Once the operation completes, you will receive a report of what machines were updated.


Openstack allows for great flexibility and access to CMSSW tools.


  1. Create an OpenStack machine (currently suggested image: RHEL8).
  2. Install locmap (see here). You now have CVMFS.
  3. Install required tools (yum install -y git gcc python38). You might need to ln -s /usr/bin/python3 ~/bin/python.
  4. Switch to your CERN user (su <username).
  5. Clone fff_dqmtools.
  6. source /cvmfs/ # You now have scram
  7. The openstack machine must have the SSH keys you use to authenticate with github (so that scram can do whatever needed to clone CMSSW).
  8. Configure git (git config --global, as well as

You should now be ready to run cmssw_deploy.

DQM^2 workflows

To update DQM^2 DB with client info

Create JSON report files in:

def make_report(self, backlog=5):
Then read JSONs in folder:
def process_dir(self):
And upload with http:
def http_upload(lst_gen, port, log=None, test_webserver=False):
To be catched with web client:
def upload():
And saved to DB:
def direct_transactional_upload(self, bodydoc_generator):