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Christophe Marchand edited this page Nov 28, 2016 · 1 revision

Welcome to the gaulois-pipe wiki!

You'll find here simple documentation on how-to use, how to integrate, how to extend gaulois-pipe.


gaulois-pipe is a XSLT pipelining solution, based on Saxon. It provides a language to describe the transformations to chain, the parameters to give to transformations, and various other features.

gaulois-pipe is not a XProc implementation. It is restricted to XSL transformation chaining, using setDestination(Destination) mecanism. It works on file documents (or set of file documents), and performs only one transformation (-set) per document. You can introduce Java Steps (i.e. transformations written in Java), or construct different pipelines based on XPath tests on input document.

gaulois-pipe is highly optimized for parallel processing, XSL and input document caching

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