The EioT-Framework backend (Node.js Server and HTML Files)
This is the main repo for the EioT-Framework. It consists of a Node.js+Express+ejs stack. The EioT-Framework will control all future modules. At this time it supports the EioT-Motionsensor and the EioT-Thermostat.
- Simple and structured Webinterface
- Works with custom modules (Simple API)
- IFTT-Webhook support
- Temperature and Humidity history for every thermostat icl. Charts of the last 30 entrys
- Easy to debug
- more to come....
This project is in work - there is no authentication yet nor a documentation. Till now it is rather simple and much Spaghetti code :D
Use the node package manager npm to install the package.
npm install eiot-framework
Just change the secret.key and you are good to go. Run the server with
npm run devStart
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Use the EioT-Flasher for setting up the ESPs with the firmware of your choice: