- Cambridge MA
Control some MongoDB indexing with schema options
Brings back `assigns` and `assert_template` to your Rails tests
cluesque / capistrano
Forked from capistrano/capistranoRemote multi-server automation tool
cluesque / vitals
Forked from distributedlife/vitalsExposing Rails 3 ActiveSupport Notifications to statsd
cluesque / express
Forked from expressjs/expressMy fork of express, with a feature backported from 3.0 - you probably want visionmedia/express instead
cluesque / FastLegS
Forked from lede/FastLegSPostgreSQL ORM on top of node-postgres.
cluesque / jsss
Forked from alevy/jsssJavaScript Shamir Secret Sharing
cluesque / migrator
Forked from voodootikigod/migratorSchema (SQL) and Data (JS) Migrations for node.js (for PostgreSQL and MySQL)
A collection of methods that help bring some consistency across multiple statsd gems
distributedlife / vitals
Forked from jondot/vitalsExposing Rails 3 ActiveSupport Notifications to statsd
Restores should_create functionality to shoulda.
Restrict email sent by your application to only approved domains or accounts.
The facebooker Rails plugin
Schema (SQL) and Data (JS) Migrations for node.js (for PostgreSQL and MySQL)
The Simplest Possible Web App, with sinatra and heroku
cluesque / comatose
Forked from mattmccray/comatoseComatose is a micro CMS, implemented as a Rails plugin, that is designed to be easy to embed and extend.
lede / FastLegS
Forked from didit-tech/FastLegSPostgreSQL ORM on top of node-postgres.
CSS3 Webkit Gradient Generator GUI - self contained
cluesque / postgresql-cursor
Forked from afair/postgresql-cursorRuby on Rails plugin to add PostgreSQL cursor support to Active Record PostgreSQL plugin for processing large result sets.
Jenkins Github OAuth Authentication and Authorization Pligin
Trivial rails application demonstrating uniqueness constraints in postgresql
ActiveRecord PostgreSQL Adapter extension for using a cursor to return a large result set
A capistrano strategy for deploying through Amazon S3