Google Cloud Spanner driver for VS Code SQLTools.
This driver supports executing queries and DML statements on Cloud Spanner databases, as well as browsing through the tables and views of a database.
Install the driver from the VS Code Marketplace page.
- Execute SQL queries
- Execute DML statements (INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE)
- Execute DDL statements (CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE, CREATE INDEX, ...)
- Connecting to both Cloud Spanner databases and the local Spanner Emulator
- The driver supports executing multiple statements in a single script, but each statement is executed in a separate transaction. Queries use single-use read-only transactions. DML statements use read/write transactions.
- Queries may return at most 100,000 rows. Queries that would return more than 100,000 rows will return an error.
If you have any questions, find a bug, or have a feature request please open an issue. Please note that this extension is not officially supported as part of the Google Cloud Spanner product.