This framework uses Ginkgo -- a BDD-style Go testing framework built to help you efficiently write expressive and comprehensive tests.
Assumming a cluster already exists, the framework allows you to run tests against it.
- NOTE: As of Jan 10th, 2019, a cluster must first be setup beforehand; that is, we don't yet support automatic provisioning of a cluster, though we hope to have this feature in very shortly. In the meantime, you can create a cluster using this repo:
Tests are categorized as follows. Additional categories may be added as desired.
- Router: focus on pod-to-pod connectivity
- Services: focus on kube-router's services functionality
- Policy: focus on network policy enforcement
- Runtime: tests that focus just on specific kube-router functionality and are not tied to kubernetes
The following command will run all tests:
$ ginkgo -- --kuberouter.SSHConfig='cd <path-to-Vagrantfile> && vagrant ssh-config' --kuberouter.testScope="ipv6-cluster"
To run a subset of the tests, you can use ginkgo's focus spec. Here are some examples:
$ ginkgo --focus="Router*" -- --kuberouter.SSHConfig='cd /home/awander/go/src/ && vagrant ssh-config' --kuberouter.testScope="ipv6-cluster"
$ ginkgo --focus="Service-Proxy*" -- --kuberouter.SSHConfig='cd /home/awander/go/src/ && vagrant ssh-config' --kuberouter.testScope="ipv6-cluster"
--kuberouter.provisioner: specify a provisioner (e.g. vagrant)
--kuberouter.provision: provision a cluster before running the tests
--kuberouter.skipLogs: skip gathering logs if a test fails
--kuberouter.SSHConfig: specify a custom command to fetch SSH configuration (eg: 'vagrant ssh-config')
--kuberouter.showCommands: output which commands are ran to stdout
For each test, we log:
- List commands that were issued (cmds.log)
- Output of kube-router instances on the 2 nodes during the the time the specific test was running (kuberouter-test-k8s(1/2).s)
- Output of each command (test-out.log).
- If the test fails, we also save the entire kube-router log file (kube-router-complete-k8s1.s).
These files can be found in the directory
under the test name. For example,
~/go/src/ $ ll
total 12140
drwxrwxr-x 2 awander awander 4096 Jan 10 12:34 ./
drwxrwxr-x 4 awander awander 4096 Jan 10 12:29 ../
-rw-rw-r-- 1 awander awander 5417 Jan 10 12:34 cmds.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 awander awander 199945 Jan 10 12:29 kuberouter-test.log-k8s1.s
-rw-rw-r-- 1 awander awander 16566 Jan 10 12:34 test-output.log
Here is an example cmds.log file:
curl -g -6 http://[::1]:20244/healthz
gobgp neighbor
kubectl apply -f /home/vagrant/go/src/
kubectl -n default get pods -l app=busybox-2 -o json
sudo journalctl -au kube-router --since '60 seconds ago'
kubectl delete -f /home/vagrant/go/src/ --grace-period=0 --force
And here is a snippet of he kuberouter-test.log-k8s1.s file:
-- Logs begin at Tue 2018-08-28 17:10:09 UTC, end at Tue 2019-01-15 23:47:44 UTC. --
Jan 15 23:46:46 k8s1 kube-router[4871]: I0115 23:46:46.615714 4871 network_routes_controller.go:252] Syncing ipsets
Jan 15 23:46:46 k8s1 kube-router[4871]: I0115 23:46:46.661630 4871 network_routes_controller.go:265] Performing periodic sync of service VIP routes
Jan 15 23:46:46 k8s1 kube-router[4871]: I0115 23:46:46.661699 4871 ecmp_vip.go:24] Advertising route: ' via' to peers
Jan 15 23:46:46 k8s1 kube-router[4871]: I0115 23:46:46.661717 4871 network_routes_controller.go:269] Performing periodic sync of pod CIDR routes
This framework is based on the e2e testing framework of the cilium project. Many thanks to them for their excellent work!