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Releases: cloudflare/workers-sdk

[email protected]

26 Nov 19:39
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Minor Changes

  • #7230 6fe9533 Thanks @penalosa! - Turn on wrangler.json(c) support by default

    Wrangler now supports both JSON (wrangler.json) and TOML (wrangler.toml) for it's configuration file. The format of Wrangler's configuration file is exactly the same across both languages, except that the syntax is JSON rather than TOML. e.g.

    name = "worker-ts"
    main = "src/index.ts"
    compatibility_date = "2023-05-04"

    would be interpreted the same as the equivalent JSON

      "name": "worker-ts",
      "main": "src/index.ts",
      "compatibility_date": "2023-05-04"
  • #7330 219109a Thanks @jonesphillip! - Added Oceania (oc) location hint as acceptable choice when creating an R2 bucket.

  • #7227 02a0e1e Thanks @taylorlee! - Add preview_urls toggle to wrangler.toml

    The current Preview URLs (beta) feature routes to version preview urls based on the status of the workers_dev config value. Beta users have requested the ability to enable deployment urls and preview urls separately on, and the new previews_enabled field of the enable-subdomain API will allow that. This change separates the workers_dev and preview_urls behavior during wrangler triggers deploy and wrangler versions upload. preview_urls defaults to true, and does not implicitly depend on routes the way workers_dev does.

  • #7308 1b1d01a Thanks @gpanders! - Add a default image for cloudchamber create and modify commands

  • #7232 7da76de Thanks @toddmantell! - feat: implement queues info command

    This command allows users to get information on individual queues.

    To run this command use the queues info command with the name of a queue in the user's account.

    wrangler queues info my-queue-name

Patch Changes

[email protected]

26 Nov 19:39
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Patch Changes

  • #7235 8246c45 Thanks @dependabot! - chore: update dependencies of "create-cloudflare" package

    The following dependency versions have been updated:

    Dependency From To
    create-qwik 1.9.1 1.10.0
  • #6410 c808590 Thanks @stof! - Fix the test tsconfig file in the hello-world typescript template

@cloudflare/[email protected]

26 Nov 19:39
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Minor Changes

Patch Changes

@cloudflare/[email protected]

26 Nov 19:39
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[email protected]

22 Nov 16:54
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Minor Changes

  • #7315 31729ee Thanks @G4brym! - Update local AI fetcher to forward method and url to upstream

Patch Changes

[email protected]

22 Nov 16:53
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Minor Changes

@cloudflare/[email protected]

22 Nov 16:54
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Minor Changes

@cloudflare/[email protected]

22 Nov 16:53
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[email protected]

21 Nov 17:38
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Minor Changes

  • #7252 97acf07 Thanks @Maximo-Guk! - feat: Add production_branch and deployment_trigger to pages deploy detailed artifact for wrangler-action pages parity

  • #7263 1b80dec Thanks @danielrs! - Fix wrangler pages deployment (list|tail) environment filtering.

Patch Changes

  • #7314 a30c805 Thanks @Ankcorn! - Fix observability.logs.enabled validation

  • #7285 fa21312 Thanks @penalosa! - Rename directory to projectRoot and ensure it's relative to the wrangler.toml. This fixes a regression which meant that .wrangler temporary folders were inadvertently generated relative to process.cwd() rather than the location of the wrangler.toml file. It also renames directory to projectRoot, which affects the `unstable_startWorker() interface.

  • Updated dependencies [563439b]:

[email protected]

21 Nov 17:38
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Minor Changes

  • #7286 563439b Thanks @LuisDuarte1! - Add proper engine persistance in .wrangler and fix multiple workflows in miniflare